Lee was motivated to change

Sometimes it’s best to set yourself a goal to get fit, and that’s just what Lee did to make his beach body desire a reality.

Gym Plan
Gym Plan
Published in
2 min readMay 6, 2016


“I was getting out of shape and not getting any younger. At 42 years old I was eating nothing but junk food. I started to see all the signs leading to overweight and middle-aged .

With my 10 year wedding anniversary in sight, my wife and I booked a holiday to Cuba.

The vacation gave me a target! I had the perfect motivation to reach my goal and work with Dan Carney, a Personal Trainer from Gym Plan.

When I was alone in the gym I was inspired by all the Fit Gurus workouts. I can’t wait to hit the beach.”

Many of you are just like Lee. Why not set yourself a goal worth getting fit for? When you can see the prize ahead of you, it makes those extra gym sessions, and skipped mixers flowing with alcohol, not seem like a sacrifice at all. Nothing can replace feeling good in the skin you’re in. If Lee can do it, so can you.



Gym Plan
Gym Plan

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