Understanding Training For Beginners

Gym Plan
Gym Plan
Published in
2 min readFeb 2, 2018

Removing the doubt of working out.

There’s so many variables with working out and it isn’t as simple as just turning up and getting on with it. Training can be confusing and hard to decipher, especially for people who are new to it all. We’ve put together some answers to common questions we get asked from newbies to the gym

  • What is a superset?
    A superset is basically two exercises back to back without any rest. You’ll only rest once the superset is complete.
  • How much weight should I be lifting?
    Unless stated otherwise in your workout, your goal is to use a weight that is light enough for you to complete the number of reps you are trying for that exercise, but heavy enough so that you couldn’t do additional reps.
  • When should I increase my weight?
    A good rule of thumb unless otherwise stated, is that when you can do 2 more reps with a given weight than you started out with, for two consecutive workouts, then look to increase the weight.
  • How many times per week should I be training?
    The great thing about being a newbie is that you’ll see quicker results early doors than someone that’s being doing it much longer. But with that can come new muscular soreness that you haven’t had before, so we generally wouldn’t recommend trying to train 6–7 days per week. 3–4 is more than sufficient to start out with.
  • I’ve never used weights before?
    It’s always beneficial to try and learn the absolute basics of weight training like squats, shoulder press, bent over rows etc. Sometimes people just need to build a little confidence up first. You could try starting out with some basic bodyweight movements, mixed in with some resistance machine work to get your muscles working before progressing to harder things. We designed this machine-only routine especially for this situation!
  • Should I be doing any cardio?
    Not everyone wants to be a bodybuilder or just focus on the quest for lean muscle. Cardio fitness plays a big role in your overall body composition, allowing you to drop fat and improve your fitness levels. Cardio also works really well as active recovery, allowing you to get the blood flowing on your days off from training.
  • Will weights make me big and bulky?
    This is a very common question and the simple answer is…NO, not unless your in a major calorie surplus (eating MORE calories than you burn off in a day) and lifting heavy weight. Where cardio can help you drop weight/fat, strength training can physically change the shape of your body and improve your metabolic rate to start burning more calories.

If you’re still unsure about something in regards to your training, then hit us up in our in-app coach chat and we’ll help you out!

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