Aurora Empowers Others To Find Their Strong

We interviewed one of our most active users in the Gym Plan Community. She’s come a long way from an eating disorder, to running marathons, and now a loyal Gym Plan member. See her story and how training and Gym Plan alike have helped her!

Gym Plan
Gym Plan
Published in
4 min readOct 18, 2016


People just like you are pursuing their fitness goals all around the world. One of our favourites, Aurora, kindly agreed to get personal about her story. Remember it’s a journey for all of us. There is always a beginning to everything. If you keep pursuing, you’ll be surprised at what could come your way.

1. How did you get into training/What’s your back story?

I struggled with an eating disorder when I was 11 years old and continued to struggle with it into my 20’s. I finally had a change of mindset, and took that opportunity to make myself into a fit badass and teach other women how to make themselves into badasses too.

I officially became a trainer 5 years ago, and still love it even though I do it on the side, part-time to high school teaching. My main motivation: I don’t want anyone to fall victim to what the media portrays as “acceptable”. I don’t want anyone to fall prey to being defined by a number on a scale or a certain size of clothing. I want people to feel empowered and challenged and strong. I want them to feel like they have control over their life and are able to make good informed decisions.

I say people because I have dealt with both men and women. I see what social media images and other medias have done to the minds of people concerning body image. It’s terrible. I try to live as an example even though there are haters out there who just roll their eyes. I don’t do it for anyone else but myself.

2. Prior to Gym Plan what type of training were you doing?

I used to do split training 4–5 days a week with a few days of HiiT. I would make up my own workouts or get ideas from Men’s Health Magazine. Their ideas for training are more challenging than any in most Women’s magazines.

3. How have your workouts, your mentality towards training, and life changed since using Gym Plan?

My workouts have changed in the sense that they are more diverse and intense. I like the variety in the app. The app workouts are just as intense as something I would create and I love pushing my body like that. My mentality is the same. I wake up, kick ass and repeat. I check the app every day to see the featured workout and check for new ones. Most days my workouts stem from a Gym Plan workouts.

Push ups with 40lbs. daughter on her back.

4. What are your fitness goals currently?


My current fitness goal is to put on some mass. I have the opposite problem of most women. I’m tall and thin and I want to challenge myself to add some weight on both my body and my workouts. By doing that, I think I’ll be able to lift and push more. In the last year, I’ve put on about 15-pounds. German Volume Training I’ve seen in the app has interested me a little as of late, and may be something new to try!

5. Where do you see yourself with your training in the next year?

I see myself doing the same thing. I used to run my ass off. I ran marathons because I enjoyed the challenge. Now as I get older I enjoy pushing the iron instead. When I do cardio I do some sort of HiiT, Tabata or MetCon workout. Something quick and something that still works the muscles hard. I hope to be doing challenging things a year from now. From now until I can’t move anymore.



Gym Plan
Gym Plan

Your own in-app personal trainer. Gym plans, one-to-one coaching and personalized nutrition.