Product Managers: Design Systems Are Your Business Too

Milo Goodman
Published in
2 min readOct 11, 2021

Design systems have been a hot topic in the design and development community for years — and for good reason. Not only can design systems reduce silos and improve collaboration and communication between teams, but these living libraries can help these teams to create a consistent look and feel across a multichannel user experience.

With that being said, design systems aren’t just for designers. While designers and developers are instrumental in building and maintaining a design system, the inclusion and input of other voices to create a shared language is essential — product managers included.

Product managers are central to the success of design systems.

Product managers wear many hats and operate at the intersection of several teams. This is why, in the words of Gymnasium instructor Ethan Marcotte, product managers are in a unique position to bring order to a broader design system.

Even if your position doesn’t require you to work directly with a design system, it’s crucial for you to take the steps toward understanding its role in your organization, its impact on your teams, and its requirements for success.

“I think we all have a responsibility to support the creation and maintenance of a sustainable design system,” said Lola Sizemore, a product manager at Aquent. “Product managers need to work closely with UX designers and have a clear understanding and weigh in on the decisions behind design standards, especially when they impact the success of the user experience.”

Design systems make everyone’s job easier — including yours.

There’s no question that a thriving design system requires collaboration between employees across different departments and disciplines, especially product managers. On the flip side, a well-maintained design system can also help to make a product manager’s job easier.

Because design systems serve to streamline the product creation and adoption process, they increase efficiency and confidence in the product itself. Sizemore has experienced this firsthand at Aquent.

“Strong design systems really let product managers and their teams focus on building the best overall experience at a higher level without getting delayed or stuck on a design element,” she said. “Built-out design systems allow us to move forward with confidence in the user interface and its accessibility.”

Take the next step toward understanding design systems.

Whether you’re brand new to design systems or looking to expand your expertise, Gymnasium’s Design Systems for Product Managers course will equip you with the skills to understand and optimize your team’s design system. Enroll today for free to add a new skill to your set and ensure you and your team are on the track to success.

