CrossFit, Cavemen, and Caramel

Brendan Hughes
Published in
2 min readAug 25, 2016

Starting a new fitness program can be stressful. Even under the guidance of a professional leading you through classes, they eventually leave and you’re then left to your own devices (yikes). By devices, I mean fridge, cupboards, and tubs of ice cream. I’m by no means an unhealthy eater, but like everything there’s room for improvement. Maybe I’m not opposed to having a ridiculous amount of bacon every now and then. Maybe I’m a bit of a sugar-craving monster after 8PM every day. The point is, after class is done, there is a “rest” period which you can fill with whatever you want. I want to do it right.

I was with some friends on the weekend and one of them mentioned they had done a Paleo challenge with their CrossFit box. I had heard of Paleo, but hadn’t heard of its ties to CrossFit. We got talking about it, made some caveman jokes, and then someone else brought up the Zone diet. This was completely new to me! Since I’m on this CrossFit Journey, and I want to learn as much as possible, I decided to look into it.

Similar to cavepeople, CrossFitters write bizarre things on walls.

It’s a wholllllle other thing. There’s forums and countless wiki pages about how to successfully adhere to the “Zone” diet, just as there are with the “Paleo” diet, and all the hybrids in between. I like breakfast, not “blocks”. I know they’re just words, but working food down into such empirical terms kind of takes the joy out of eating for me. So where does that leave me? Is there some kind of middle ground I can find? Is there even a point in following these diets? It honestly won’t take much convincing to get me on board with being a caveman, I just need to find a source that makes sense and doesn’t make me feel like a test subject.

Me, basically.

If you have any sources or advice for me, leave a comment or hit me up on the GymNext Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter pages! To learn more about GymNext click here.

