Goal Setting and Forgetting

Brendan Hughes
Published in
2 min readAug 15, 2016

Last week I wrote a blog about proper scheduling, and explained that it was my intent to post my schedule on Monday. Ironically, in the craziness of an unscheduled life, I forgot to. Today, however, I have come prepared — although, somewhat embarrassed.

This is the game plan:

You can probably tell now that I’ve been keeping a secret from you: I’m still running four times a week. LSD on Tuesday’s is not as fun as it sounds, it’s my “Long Slow Distance” run. I can’t just give up on my running now, I’ve come so far. Now that I’ve finished a half-marathon, I want to finish a full marathon in the spring.

I’m posting an embarrassing post-workout photo whenever I miss a class.

I’ve introduced CrossFit to my fitness routine because I want to be physically fit overall. I realize that I might have to make some trade offs in my training, but it’s all part of the journey. I think it’s important to sit down and write out your long term fitness goals specifically so that you get a sense of where you’re going. Otherwise, you’ll end up attending classes with aimless effort — or worse, you won’t go at all.

My long term fitness goals are:

  1. Run a marathon in April 2017.
  2. Finish fundamentals by September 10th, 2016.

I’ll be able to refine my CrossFit goals once I get started in the regular classes, but for now my focus is on completing the remaining fundamentals sessions so I have the basics covered. This is where I find myself struggling: what are realistic goals for CrossFitters?

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