Quiz me!

Brendan Hughes
Published in
2 min readJul 27, 2016

CrossFit has a LOT of acronyms. I have reason to believe this is so newbies don’t know what craziness they’re really getting into.

Real life example: Showing up for my first class, I was presented with the AMRAP version of the WOD. Then I was patted on my back by a regular at The Garage for starting my journey (thanks!) before being told “Your first lift is always a PB!” To which I smiled politely and chuckled despite having no clue what he was saying.

My shirt was a much lighter shade of blue before the workout.

I began the workout, as outlined in my first blog, not fully aware of what it was that I was doing. When I went to write my first blog post my main concern was that I had no clue what I had even done! The vocabulary was overwhelming. Always down for a challenge, this language barrier wasn’t enough to stop me. I asked for some help, and you delivered.

Somebody sent me this website. The clouds parted, and I think I felt my six pack start to grow. Knowledge is power!

My next workout is tomorrow, but it really feels like it’s the first. I’ll be doing a chipper with sixty DU’s EMOM, maybe score a PB, end with some wall balls and box jumps. Okay, truth be told I still have no fucking clue what I’m talking about.

I’ll have to go back and reread that website.

Help me get ready! Quiz me in the comments.

My next blog post will be on Friday! Follow me on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook for updates. Click here to learn more about GymNext.

