Started from the bottom, and I’m still here.

Brendan Hughes
Published in
2 min readJul 29, 2016

By some stroke of brilliance, someone recommended that I take the “fundamentals” class offered at The Garage. Since I came in through a kind of backdoor corporate membership, nobody recommended the fundamentals class to me before. (Thanks, Duane!) I am starting to get the vibe that these CrossFitters really do love “fresh blood” as my boss, Duane, told/warned me.

“…what I lacked in experience, I also lacked in raw talent.”

Being a complete newbie, the fundamentals classes are exactly what I need. Tim is the trainer for the classes, and he assures me that if I take the class three times a week for a month, I’ll be at least somewhat prepared for the movements of a regular class. (Ah!😬)

By entering the beginners class, it was clarified that what I lacked in experience, I also lacked in raw talent. The first part of the class included a 1 mile jog. Having just finished training for a half-marathon, I was relieved for the sense of familiarity. My feet hit the pavement with a kind of calm-confidence. As I glided around the last corner, I heard a booming voice come from within the gym say, “Ninja, crab, seal, then Sampson Stretch. Let’s go.” Right! This is CrossFit. I am not in my element.

In CrossFit, “fundamentals” and “Navy Seal” go hand in hand.

Duane joined me on this class despite having done CrossFit for a number of years. He explained to me that he needed a refresher, but we all know he just wanted some cheap entertainment, which he got. Jokes on him though! Duane is not a flexible person, and I got a good laugh watching him “Ninja-Walk” across the gym. (Although, he’s a surprisingly good seal.)

The group was smaller than the regular class, which let Tim really dedicate time to each individual. We walked through power cleans and thrusters step by step, and Tim took his time with me to improve my air squats. He said that they are the basis for a majority of important motions. He also said my squat was “immature” or something. Whatever, dude.

Trying to get that squat right!

My first week of CrossFit is complete! There’s clearly a lot to learn, but with Tim’s help and The Garage community’s support, I feel confident that I’ll get all the guidance I need to achieve my beast mode goals. 💪

My next blog post will be on Monday! Follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook for updates. Click here to learn more about GymNext!

