Community update — level 4 of the testnet game is live!

Published in
3 min readDec 3, 2021

Overview of relevant developments

1. In case you missed it — Level 4 is live: the Frog Games have commenced!

The goal of the Frog Games: Sybil resistance.

A series of challenges will go live over the coming weeks. Earn ‘Sybil points’ by passing challenges. The higher the amount of a person’s ‘Sybil points’, the more certain it is that this person is not a bot.


  • There is no need to pass every challenge! The Frog Games are set-up to give players sufficient opportunity to participate and to allow players to make trade-offs between gaining as many Sybil points as possible and not disclosing certain information.
  • The challenges are not ordered by ‘difficulty’ or amount of granted Sybil points. If you are not a bot, you will have sufficient opportunity to prove that.
  • Tweeting the ‘Invitation card’ is no hard requirement to participate in lvl4! This is intended as a fun way to spread the word!

2. Wave II of Level 3 is live: a new chance to join the Gyroscope DAO!

With passing GGWP-1 the Gyroscope DAO has been bootstrapped. To allow even more people to join the DAO, a follow-up proposal is live on Snapshot. This is intended only for new voters to participate. If you voted in the previous round, you do not need to vote again.

To participate, (i) sign off that you have read the proposal and (ii) that you would like to be added to the list of signatories for GGWP-1.

If you missed the first wave of Level 3, you may now continue and join the DAO.

3. Forum participation: the need to ensure quality > quantity!

It is amazing that the community is so active on the forum, but recently there has been too much spam.

To clarify: spam on the forums might result in ‘badges’, but there is no particular value attached to these default badges. Quality > quantity!

Three ‘working groups’ will be launched this week, one of them being ‘Moderation’. The goal is for the Discord server to be the place for short or personal questions, whereas the forum should be reserved for long-term proposals & discussions — exclusively in English as the most spoken language in the world — that affect the entire protocol.

As such, you might see that your post or topic will be deleted or closed. In that case there has already been a duplicate topic or the point should have rather been asked in the Discord server! Let’s keep our forum clean & useful!

4. Working groups: improving on-boarding of the DAO!

Many community members have been asking for ways to contribute to the Gyroscope DAO. Several ‘Working groups’ will be launched to help in self-organization and make it easier for people to come on-board and contribute. Members of a working group are so called ‘Gyro Guardians’.

Initially, three working groups will be launched:

  • Moderation: moderation of the Discord server and the forum
  • Education: explanatory documents ranging from videos to ELI5s to charts
  • Translation: localization of the docs & educational material. Initial target languages: Chinese, Persian, Russian

Do you want to become a Gyro Guardian by helping out with any of the above efforts?

Awesome! Join this channel and give a brief introduction of yourself and state which working group you would like to join.

5. Educational content: Explain it Like I’m 5

To bootstrap the respective Working Group a series of ELI5 explanations of Gyroscope has been released.

This series will be updated to reflect community feedback and will be expanded with two higher levels of complexity. An introduction to Gyroscope in video format is also well on it’s way.

However, there is still much to be done:

6. Development update

Several new AMM pools are being developed. These will support the S-AMMs and reserve vaults in the Gyroscope system. Oracle design is also being finalized with new on-chain consistency checks and circuit breakers to mitigate oracle risks.

Stay up to date & get involved

