The Voyage to V2: A New Web App

Iain McCown
Published in
2 min readMay 18, 2021

GYSR is both a B2B platform and a B2C one as well. What that means is developers of other projects and everyday Ethereum users both use us for different reasons. In wanting to cater to these different constituents, we have taken the time to make every aspect of our v2 web app accessible to both groups.

When we launch in a few weeks, users will have better visibility into platform-wide statistics like TVL and total rewards, as well as aggregate stats on individual investments. There will be fresh insights available for individual Pools i.e. information on funding schedules, activity, and stake/reward numbers over time. There will also be a much more robust “discover” page with sorting and filtering based on multiple parameters. As a result, users will have an easier time identifying which Pools match their investment preferences.

On the developer side there will be a variety of metrics available to track your own Pool’s progress. Teams will be able to track the amount of tokens that are locked and unlocked for each individual round of funding in addition to the total amounts allocated. Information regarding amount staked over time, $GYSR spent over time, and number of users will also be available.

When taken together these changes to our UI will make our small corner of the Ethereum universe much easier to navigate. We’re excited to see what people think and will be looking for feedback after it’s live.

-the GYSR Team

P.S. See a sneak peak of what a pool’s tracking page looks like here:

