Sentiance SDK in Flutter

Abhishek Dixit
Published in
2 min readMar 1, 2022

Sentiance is an intelligence-driven data science and behaviour change company. We turn motion data into contextual insights and use behavioural change techniques to personalise engagement for safer and sustainable mobility and wellbeing experiences.

Sentiance empowers the world’s leading companies to create personalised engagement services and products through intelligent contextual recommenders, delivering technology for a new human-centric economy where the user is in control of data.

Note: This SDK is for Android

Getting Started

This flutter plugin is a wrapper around our Android SDKs.

The following documentation is only focused on the wrapper around our native Android SDKs. To know more about our SDKs and how to link them within the projects, refer to the following documentation:


Screenshot of an Example Application,

Example Application


Fork the repository from url

Go to android/src/res/AndroidManifest.xml and your Geo Location API KEY

android:value= "GOOGLE_API_KEY"/>

Set the environment for the dart,

Add this to dependencies in your app's pubspec.yaml

git: <Package url>
branch: master

Set the environment for the dart,

Note for Android: Make sure that the minimum API level for your app is 19 or higher.

Run flutter packages get in the root directory of your app.


Import package

import 'package:sentiance_flutter/sentiance_flutter.dart';

Initialize the sentiance SDK by passing all the required fields,

await SentianceFlutter.initialiseSentiance(
token: token,
sentianceSecret: sentianceSecret,
appId: appId,
userLinkUrl: userLinkUrl,
crashDetectionUrl: cashDetectionUrl,
mobileHealthUrl: mobileHealthUrl);

Properties names

The Properties names which are used in the initialiseSentiance Method.

MobileHealthData data = await SentianceFlutter.getMobileHealthData

Here, we will get all the mobile health data which is updated on the server

Stop Sentiance

await SentianceFlutter.stopSentianceSDK;

