
Published in
2 min readDec 16, 2019

To John

For someone who needs some German heritage in form of Brötchen. Get baking :)

For the pre-dough

  • 1100g wheat bread flour, sifted
  • 100g rye flour
  • 750g luke warm water

In your kitchen aid mix about 6 minutes, let it sit for 30 minutes.

For the main dough

Desolve 20g of honey in 40g of luke warm water. Add 10g of fresh yeast and mix well, until you have a well blended fluid. Add the mixture to the pre-dough and mix another 6 minutes.

After the 6 minutes go to the next speed setting and mix 13 minutes. Add 25g of salt an mix for 2 minutes until the dough seperates from the bowl.

Let the dough sit for 45 minutes at room temperature. Now put the dough in greased plastic container/s and let it sit in the fridge a minimum of 12 hours (up until 24 hours is fine). The dough will roughly tripple in size.

Baking day

On the baking day, take the dough out and pour it on the floured counter top. When seperating and forming the 20 buns don’t press too much air out of the dough. Give every bun a little cut at the top and let them sit for 10 minutes.

Pre-heat the oven for 220°C (430°F) and bake the buns for 15 to 20 minutes. Bake them with water plumes by setting a bowl at the bottom of the oven. After half of the baking time let the plume out by opening the oven shortly.

That’s it. Enjoy your Brötchen ;)




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