The first two strikes

Adrian G.
Published in
1 min readJul 20, 2016

I’ve seen Manic Depression at it’s best, Europe has it all, a well structured environment, control over the behavioral patterns, a bloody social structure and a huge gap in the identity of the citizens, i’ve seen the American Dream as well; the possessive maws of the pretentiousness, the absolute nihilism of the mortgages, the national pathetic melodrama of the Fifties being played over and over again, and the flies fly and the knives cut in the void of an overloaded identity that has no foundations but obesity.

Now, the philosophers pick the berries from the bushes of irony while the hunters die in the woods with the spear of ideology laying on their side; cowardice is the gift for us and we must take this bitter hemlock of reality, i’ve had enough of myself and i’m not gonna suck this tit while a bunch of hippies call me destructive, the first two strikes were the warning, the third one is the blood.



Adrian G.

Writing about the end of the world since the beginning of times.