Summer camps — Kids’ portraits

Meet some of the exceptional kids who are taking part in our summer camps.

H-FARM Education
5 min readJul 26, 2018


Now in their 8th edition, our summer camps encourage kids and teens to experiment and build a positive relationship with technology.

1. Anna

Anna is 9 years old and is a determined girl. Determined and pragmatic: she likes building blocks, mathematics, English, and gym class and when she is older she wants to become an architect. She took part in a Minecraft laboratory.

She has grown surrounded by her bigger brother and many male cousins, and she is fearless when she plays Fortnite with them. However, winning is not what really counts for her. What matters is that everyone can participate, both in video games and reality, because, just as with building blocks, you have to balance real life and digital life. Meanwhile, do NOT come near her secret Lego city.

2. Alvise

It is Alvise who introduces himself first. And it is always him who introduces us into his world. He, too, took part in a Minecraft laboratory and, in addition to the group project, he was the only one who developed his own virtual world inside Minecraft: “Banana ship”. He programmed it all by himself, including the paths, the interactions, and the characters.

This does not surprise us one bit, because Alvise is comfortable in the travel dimension. At 9 years old, he has already lived in 3 Countries and is willing to travel even 10,000 kilometers to see his friends. He has collected far more than one place of the heart, but every year he comes back to our camps, sure to live a terrific experience, full of friends and unforgettable activities!

3. Ginevra Ludovica

❝I am Ginevra Ludovica, nice to meet you❞.
A firm handshake and eyes well focused on the other person. Ginevra is 6 years old and is not afraid of anything. She comes out of her class barefoot and with her hair down and rushes out to the garden with no hesitation. She jumps, she runs, she climbs up, she climbs over and she also solves the clues of the treasure hunt organized by our educators.

She can’t stay still for a second, between a jump and a spin she manages to tell us something of herself. Ginevra took part in the “Little Inventors” laboratory and she built a robot that draws dots on paper. She came here because she likes to play with the computer, she even joined a computer club at her school. In a body that never stops moving, there’s a mind that travels far… and who knows what it can achieve!

4. Gregorio and Pietro

❝You can’t do anything wrong as long as you do something you love❞.

When we met Gregorio he was running all around the courtyard wearing a Spider-Man mask while Pietro was following him holding a camera: they were attending the YouTube and storytelling camp.

After convincing them to have a little rest we had the chance to talk about their dreams and passions.

It turned out they have different goals in life although they share the same enthusiasm for movies and media. Gregorio, in particular, aims to become an actor. Leonardo Di Caprio, Tom Hanks, Nicholas Cage are just a few of his favorite movie stars. They really inspire him, that’s why he decided to attend a School of Art. Pietro is more focused on other subjects: his goal is to become a lawyer. He likes to be up-to-date with news and current affairs (that’s what he uses Google, TV, and YouTube for).

The symbiotic relationship might suggest they can easily work together in any project. And we are ready to support them!

5. Luca

Ready? Enter your Virtual Reality.

This is the sign on the door leading to Luca’s classroom. Behind his seemingly shy smile, there is a thoroughgoing coding professional. At 14 he’s already proficient in many programming languages like C++, Python, Swift and who knows how many more to come.

According to his words, his dad “has to be thanked for being so far-seeing”. In fact, managing these skills means a lot in terms of a future career as they are highly demanded by many tech and digital companies.

After being a participant of our camps for 2 editions in a row, we’re eager to meet Luca again next year with new challenges to face!

