PYP H-Skills — Fostering Well-Rounded, Internationally Minded Students

written by Jane Andrews, Head of PYP

H-FARM International School
6 min readMay 9, 2024


In a rapidly changing world, where interconnectedness and global awareness are paramount, the role of education extends far beyond traditional academic knowledge. At H-FARM International School — Venice, we recognize the importance of nurturing well-rounded, internationally minded students who not only succeed academically but also possess crucial human qualities to navigate life successfully.

We achieve this through explicit teaching of PYP H-Skills (Human Skills) across our Early Years and Elementary sections, creating a holistic educational journey that prepares our students for the challenges of the future. Specific human skills have been selected for each year group in our PYP section. Throughout each school year, our teachers skillfully weave opportunities for human skill development throughout the curriculum. This intentional and integrated approach enhances the development of international mindedness in our students. Our students are consistently engaged in ongoing learning experiences specifically designed to develop decent, empowered human beings who are both thoughtful and purposeful in their interactions with others and the world around them.

Honey Bees: Developing Independence and Understanding Friendship
In our Honey Bees program, we lay the foundation for holistic development by explicitly teaching independence and the value of friendship. Children learn to take ownership of their actions, make responsible choices, and express their needs and thoughts. Through collaborative activities, they develop the fundamental skill of working together with their peers, forging early friendships that will last throughout their educational journey.

Busy Bees: Exploring Emotions and Similarities/Differences
As our students progress to Busy Bees, they delve into the realm of emotions, learning to identify and manage their feelings. They also explore the concept of similarities and differences, gaining an understanding of diversity and the beauty of our multicultural world. Through activities that encourage empathy and open-mindedness, students begin to understand and appreciate the uniqueness of each individual.

Reception Rockets: Developing a positive Body Image and Nurturing Cooperation
The Reception Rockets program is dedicated to shaping positive body image and emphasizing the importance of cooperation. Children are encouraged to embrace their bodies and understand that every individual is different. Through collaborative projects and games, they learn the value of cooperation and the strength that comes from working together.

Developing positive body image: Reception Rockets students explore their unique skin color

Year 1: Building a Sense of Community and Interdependence
Year 1 focuses on cultivating a sense of community and interdependence. Students engage in activities that demonstrate the interconnectedness of our world and how we all play a part in the global community. They learn the importance of working together to address issues of local and global significance.

Exploring the Global Community: Year 1 students and parents celebrating Chinese New Year

Year 2 : Nurturing Choice, Well-being, and Tolerance
In Year 2, students are empowered to make choices and explore their own well-being, including physical, emotional and social factors. They understand that the decisions they make impact their lives and those around them. Tolerance is a key theme, with students learning to respect diverse perspectives and backgrounds, enhancing their open-mindedness.

Year 3: Developing Self-efficacy, Equality/Fairness, and Compassion
Year 3 students dive into the realm of self-efficacy, understanding that failure is a part of growth and consistency is the path to success. They explore concepts of equality and fairness, learning to advocate for justice and equality for all. Compassion is nurtured through various activities, fostering a sense of responsibility for making a positive difference in the world. Learning through failure, they understand the importance of resilience and adaptability in the face of adversity.

Year 4: Empathy, Challenge/adversity, Appreciation
In Year 4, students focus on empathy, resilience in the face of challenges, and the cultivation of appreciation. They delve into the profound importance of empathy, learning to understand and share the feelings of others. They explore diverse perspectives, nurturing compassion and a deep sense of international-mindedness. Year 4 students also encounter adversity and learn to view challenges as opportunities for growth. By tackling obstacles with determination, they develop resilience and a positive attitude towards problem-solving. Our students explore the beauty in differences, recognizing the significance of preserving the environment, and fostering gratitude for the many opportunities they have, reinforcing appreciation.

Overcoming Obstacles: Year 4 students empathizing and collaboratively solving challenges

Year 5: Perseverance, Autonomy, Self-awareness: Self-care, Self-worth, Emotional Intelligence
In Year 5, students embrace deeper aspects of the PYP H-Skills, including perseverance, autonomy, self-awareness, self-care, self-worth, and emotional intelligence. They learn the importance of perseverance in an ever-changing world, developing resilience, embracing challenges, and persisting in their pursuits. Year 5 students cultivate self-awareness, recognizing their emotions, strengths, and weaknesses. They practice self-care to maintain physical and mental well-being, nurture self-worth for a strong sense of self-esteem, and hone emotional intelligence to navigate their own feelings and empathize effectively with others. As they work toward transitioning into Middle School, autonomy is another key aspect of Year 5’s journey. Students begin to take more ownership of their learning and decision-making. They gain the confidence to make choices, set goals, and manage their responsibilities effectively. Autonomy fosters self-directed learners who are prepared to take the reins of their educational journey.

Perseverance: Year 5 students learning to sail during the annual Year 5 educational visit to Lake Garda

Explicit Teaching and the PYP H-Skills
At every stage of our PYP journey, we explicitly teach the relevant PYP H-Skills, both as standalone concepts and integrated into units of inquiry. Our students consistently utilize their critical thinking abilities to make informed decisions and accomplish their goals. The PYP Action Cycle of reflect, choose, act (think, feel, do for our youngest learners) is utilized throughout the PYP section as part of developing internationally

minded learners. Students learn to assess situations, consider their own emotions and values as well as those of others involved, and take purposeful action in alignment with their principles and the IB Learner Profile attributes.

By explicitly teaching the PYP H-Skills and integrating them into our educational framework, we deepen the level of respect, awareness, acceptance, and integrity demonstrated by each PYP student. H-FARM International School’s commitment to nurturing well-rounded, internationally minded students is deeply embedded in our educational philosophy. Through the explicit teaching of PYP H-Skills, we provide our students with the foundation they need to succeed not just academically but also as compassionate, thoughtful, and capable global citizens.

About the author:
Dedicated, lifelong educator, Jane Andrews, is the Primary Principal/Head of PYP at H-FARM International School-Venice. For 30+ years Jane has educated students, teachers and parents around the world. Jane is an experienced IBPYP Workshop Leader and School Visitor as well as an Educational Consultant.

