New Market Opportunities rising for Paper Producers

Paper Markets for carrier/shopper bags and lightweight bags for bread or fruits and other uses have been growing 3,7–4,0 % annually since 2015 and megatrends are supporting future growth.

Heikki Hyvärinen
H&H Advisors
Published in
3 min readFeb 2, 2021


The total world paper and board market growth has been slowing in recent years, and the main reason for this has been a large segment of the market, the graphic papers, which has declined now for years. Many graphic paper producers are struggling to find a profitable niche for their capacity.

This report studies in detail a growing segment in the packaging paper market, bag papers. The paper market for bags benefits from several global megatrends — and paper is replacing plastics in many end-uses.

The study examines global demand and regional demand and takes a look into what kinds of papers are currently being used for bags. We look at the key producers of paper for bags: current suppliers, new entrants and study the future possibilities for paper producers to utilize their assets to make paper for the bag markets.

Competitive landscape: Key paper producers by world region focus on Europe and North America.

Assessment of megatrends impacting paper bag market, eg. bans on single-use plastics in different world regions, new materials and emerging technologies, key market drivers, and trends for Paper Bags

The methodology for this report combines both primary and secondary sources of data. Information from public sources has been extensively searched and investigated to gather a broad dataset, which has been then complemented and verified through interviews with industry experts.

  1. Key Market Drivers and trends for Paper Bags
  • Economy
  • Retail Sector Development
  • Food Service Market Development
  • Sustainability and Regulations
  • Barrier Technologies

2. Paper Market for Bags

  • Carrier/shopper bags and lightweight bags for bread or fruits and other uses
  • Paper grades and quality demands
  • Demand Drivers for Bag Papers
  • Bag Paper Markets
  • By global regions
  • By Paper Grades

3. Market Dynamics

  • Value Chain description
  • Suppliers and main raw material price development
  • Product pricing
  • Producers
  • New Entrants and machine conversions
  • Alternative products
  • Paper Bag Converters
  • Retailers and Consumers
  • Market forecast util 2024

This study targets all operators in the forest-to-consumer value chain:

•Paper producers looking for new business and growth

•Paper converters evaluating supply sources and materials

•Pulp companies looking for new customers

•Chemical and utility suppliers looking for new customers

•Machinery suppliers looking for new customers

•End users who want to influence and develop their supplies

•Advisors, analysts, financiers, and influencers of the paper and board markets

•Private Equity companies and other investors evaluating M&A opportunities

•Public sector organizations focusing on FPPP

More detailed information about the data behind this summary presentation can be ordered by request from H&H Advisors. This report will be available 8.2. 2021 onwards. You can already order the report at a 30 % discount price until 28.2. 2021. The price for the full report is 990 € + VAT and the discounted price is only 693 € + VAT per copy.

You can make your order through our website:

Heikki Hyvärinen

Additional information + 358 40 9695455 or



Heikki Hyvärinen
H&H Advisors
Editor for

H&H Advisors work with FPPP (forest, pulp, paper, and packaging), SME manufacturing industry leaders, and Investors to accelerate growth and strategic renewal.