A line between ‘Hate’ and ‘Love’: “The Whispering Glass”

Published in
3 min readJan 30, 2024

I don’t know the answer: Do I hate it, or do I love it? Or even, am I addicted to something that also is becoming a habit of mine?

Many people might be having these thoughts these days… But at the very least, I know for a fact that they are mine.

I feel destroyed.

To be more specific: I feel violated, and I feel like I have lost control over myself. Who am I even blaming?

“The Whispering Glass”. This is what I call the screens; both large and small, that we’ve invited into our daily lives. Yes, I am pointing my finger at them. Aren’t they curiously endearing?

Endearing it is, our generation is the innovation itself that is growing every second, and trust me, I can’t imagine a day without the many things that we achieved. But at the same time, what if they weren’t there?

Well, that is a bit extreme. No phones, no google, even no social media? Someone stop me right there.

I’ll admit it: My relationship with them is a complex mix of love and hate.

I am amazed by the screen’s glow that offers comfort, a connection through digital voices. But this ease has its price — a feeling of getting lost in a world where everything is a mere swipe away.

So, here are the two types of moods that I face during the day:

  1. The idea of “taking a break from something”. What can be a good distraction? I know, let me watch something: something that allows me to shut down my brain for a good minute and makes me feel.
  2. The “aggravation”: having enough of scrolling and not knowing why I am proceeding with it.

Reflecting on this, I realize the irony. I don’t know who to blame at this point. Me, for allowing to let go the control of myself or “The Whispering Glass”. Maybe I’ll never know…

A thing for a fact I know is the consequence of this action: Not being in the moment. The minutes I spend on something fades away, it just doesn’t feel right.

Just like I am scrolling on my phone, I feel like I am doing the same thing with my days. Time slips through my fingers, unmarked and unnoticed, much like the endless stream of content on my screen.

Days blend into each other, indistinct, as I lose track of moments that should matter. In this digital blur, I wonder, what meaningful experiences am I missing?

Then, this leads to the question: What am I doing with my life?

Yes, I am studying; I have friends, I socialize now and then but…

Maybe I should take a break, look away from the screen, and see what’s out there beyond it. What if I find happiness in a book, a real talk with someone, or just watching the world, clear and true?

At this point, they feel like the unachievable dreams that I have in my sleep. How did we end up here, and how desperate we are to go back?

There is one crucial thing that we all see: ourselves. Through the mirror, “The Whispering Glass” gazes within our souls; reflecting what we’ve become and what we long to be.

So, here I stand, at the edge of realization, asking not just myself, but everyone: Are we going to continue to scroll through life, letting the real moments slip like sand through our fingers? Or will we dare to press pause, to disconnect in order to truly connect, not just with the world but with ourselves?

Perhaps the real answer isn’t about escaping this digital world, but in finding our true place in it. It’s about balancing the online and the real, and maybe, just maybe, discovering that the best connection is the one we have with our own real life.

