Exploring the world while redefining the concept of home

Ginevra Bonucci
Published in
2 min readNov 7, 2023

Traditional wisdom will tell you that home is a fixed location, but recently the meaning of this concept is radically changing. Traveling plays an essential role in this transformation, as it opens doors to unexpected places and allows individuals to discover where they truly belong.

I bet that all of you have heard at least once in your life the word cosmopolitanism. Indeed, this term essentially expresses the belief that all human beings, regardless of their ethnic, sexual, racial or any other specific affiliations, belong to a single community.

Hypothetically, if we take this view for granted, it will not be that hard to follow my reasoning about the importance of traveling. It is way too easy to assert that traveling opens your mind, and is essential for your personal growth. We all know that… There is nothing new about saying “The more you see and discover, the fewer prejudices you have”. However, from my point of view, traveling is not just about visiting new destinations; instead, it all comes down to self-discovery and searching our real place in the world. Even if travel often involves going far away from home, it may well give us with an unexpected sense of belonging in the most varied places. This feeling of attachment goes beyond any national boundary and changes the way we process the concept of home, which becomes more of a feeling than a location. Nowadays, it is not uncommon to hear someone say that they feel more emotionally connected to a foreign city than to their hometown. One of the key reasons for this phenomenon is the warmth of human connection. We are social beings, and the relationships we form while traveling can create a deep sense of belonging. Whether it is striking up a conversation with a local, forming bonds with other travelers or experiencing the hospitality of strangers, these connections can make us feel like we belong to a larger global community.

When we feel accepted and at peace in a foreign land, where we realize that we are capable to adapt to new environments. In this way, through our travels, we truly broad our vision, understanding that “home” does not boil down to a pile of bricks, but is something we all carry within us. Indeed, experiencing these feelings of familiarity and warmth outside our country, helps us realize that even in different corners of the world we can find our comfort zone and that our connection to the world is not limited by geography.

In conclusion, travel is not merely about collecting passport stamps; it teaches us to adapt, embrace diversity and form connections with people and places far from our roots. So, as we explore the world, we find our place within it, and in doing so, we find ourselves.



Ginevra Bonucci

Just a university student, writing about art, personal growth and travelling :)