Inspirational talk with Mattia Stanga

Ginevra Benacchio
Published in
4 min readApr 4, 2023
Mattia Stanga visited our campus and held an inspirational talk on the 29/03/2023

Known for his humour, the 25 years old TikTok star Mattia Stanga had a blast in H-FARM.

He landed on campus to present his new book, Chiedi! Io mai Stanga di rispondere.

Interviewer: “Tell us about your book, what made you write it? Why did you choose to write a book of answers instead of a classical novel?”

Mattia: “I wanted to write something that was truly me. I would have never been able to write a novel and an autobiography would have been useless. Come on, I was born in Brescia in 1998. I study Economics, Business and Management. That’s all. My book of answers is something that really reflects me.”

Interviewer: “Today you are here, in our Campus. The first time you heard about H-FARM, what did you think?”

Mattia: “I have never been in H-FARM before and I am positively surprised. If I had the chance to study in a place like this one, I would have really enjoyed studying. I have never really felt the university spirit of the university of Brescia so I’m amazed by the air you breath in the campus.”

Interviewer: “We all know you for your irony and comedy but is Mattia Stanga always as sunny as we see him on TikTok?”

Mattia: “Unfortunately yes! In fact as soon as I stop joking around, people immediately wonder what I have when I’m actually just doing my business. Everyone knows me as a cheerful guy who takes life on laughs, exactly as you see me on social media.”

Interviewer: “Is there a video you made that you particularly like?”

Mattia: “Of course, among all I think when I play the role of the pharmacist. I’m a hypochondriac so the pharmacist and I are birds of a Feather. I also love the videos in which I impersonate the postal worker of Borgosatollo! During the pandemic, one of the few things you could do was go to the post office. So I used to go there a lot, and every time the lady that works there treated me badly. After I started making videos about her, she started treating me like a king. I usually take inspiration by my mom, now a popular character in my ironic videos, she gives me a lot of stimuli. In fact, my comedic side comes from my family, especially my mom and my grandpa who was a street vendor. Although I have a wonderful relationship with my parents and both of them are very supportive.”

Interviewer: “We know that you are very attached to Brescia, do you have any “Brescian Spots” to recommend? “

Mattia: “Brescia is very underrated, despite being the capital of culture together with Bergamo. It’s a beautiful city, if you come go to drink a pirlo (= Brescian dialect for spritz) and go to see Piazzale Arnaldo.”

Interviewer: “You’re at the end of your three-year degree program in Economics, Business and Management. How do you consider this path? Do you already know what you want to do next?”

Mattia: “After the degree, I really need a good pause but then I would like to enroll in a master’s degree in supply chain or logistics. Surely it’s more fun to act as a fool online but study and social are things that can go hand in hand. In fact, even if it doesn’t seem like it, I like studying.”

Interviewer: “Have you ever made a blunder at an event? If so, would you like to tell us about it?”

Mattia: “I live of gaffes. At an event I exchanged Cattelan, the presenter, for the artist who has his same name. I participated in a long conversation about him during a fancy dinner and kept unknowingly making jokes and references of the presenter. The people at the table kept looking at me strangely but I didn’t think anything of it until I said “maybe one day he’ll invite me to his program!”. At that point one of the attendees told me they weren’t speaking about the presenter, but the artist.”

Interviewer: “Lately you have been contacted by many brands in the fashion industry and you had the opportunity to participate in several fashion shows, such as the one for Dior Uomo in Egypt and OFF White in Paris, how were these experiences?”

Mattia: “They were very good experiences! I don’t like to act superior just because I attend these events, so I always try to play it down and joke in these contexts. I also limit the stories I post on social medias when I’m attending them because I always immagine the people who are at the other side of the screen, until a couple of years ago I was among them.”

Interviewer: “Is there a particular experience you’d like to try?”

Mattia: “Yes, one thing I would love to do is to take the actor’s path. I’ve always written my own characters for my videos but for once I would like someone else to give me a part to play.”

Interviewer: “Describe yourself with 3 adjectives!”

Mattia: “Well, let me think about it. I’d say moody, solar, paranoid, extrovert and sensitive.”

Getting to know Mattia was a pleasure for all us students. Humble, creative, direct and spontaneous. He’s a great model of a young man who has had success on social media and was able to keep himself grounded.

Thanks Mattia! Let us know when you’re up to get a pirlo at Amor 😉 It’s on us!

article commissioned by FARMEDIA



Ginevra Benacchio

Co-founder, writer and editor in chief for H-INSIDERS!