Simone Loddoni
Published in
2 min readDec 15, 2023

We are losing a war.

Not a common war, but a generational war, we the new generation are getting ghettoized. The younger generations are getting more and more marginalized, as a result of the ever growing power attachment of the establishment, let’s make a simple economic comparison, in Italy the public spending over pensions is as much as the spending in healthcare and education, multiplied by 2, so for each euro we spend on education we spend four on pensions.

But why is our generation so ignored?

First because the older are by nature conservative, those who are un power don’t want the society to evolve, they belive conservation is the best way to hold their positions, ignoring the ever growing need of a leadership that is more capable of dealing with all the new challenges that our society is facing, from the global warming to the lack of resources.

Another reason is the political irrelevance that the new gen have, the majority of political parties ignore the younger generation because compared to the older they bring less votes, not only because of the declining demographic of the western world, but also because the as called “crisis of democracy” hits mainly the young, so they don’t follow politics and don’t vote, in almost every recent election, the population that goes from 18 to 35 is the one with the lower percentage of voter, probably because there is a common sense of disillusionment due to the economic and climate crisis that are following the last century of unstopped growth.

Another data, every child born in Italy now has already 45.000 of debt, this due to the excessive public debt. The economic growth isn’t enough to sustain the welfare state, forcing the states to ask for more and more cash through debit, debit which will be repaid by the coming generations.

We are losing this war, if we don’t start to question our structural society then we are doomed to live depending on what others decide for our future.

GENERATIONAL EQUITY, this must be our objective, living in a world where our generation can start to take the positions it deserves. We will live in the future, but we have to gain it, claiming our rights, the rights to live in a sustainable, free and equal world, where the social ladder is mobile, where our rights are respected and accepted, where the older generation recognize our role and our experiences, that might differ from theirs but that are essential in a modern and digital world.

I will start to focus my writing on generational equity, covering as many arguments as possible and bringing forward problems and possible solutions that concern our generation and our society.

