The most important question

Mohammad Shafaee
Published in
3 min readMay 26, 2023

Asking questions is one of the most enjoyable things to do for human beings. Since our childhood we have asked questions and sought answers from any possible source so that we feed our curiosity. However, as we grow older not only our curiosity is fed by other channels but also our community encourages us to keep questions so that we do not offend others’ beliefs. Despite this we should be aware that there are essential questions that need to be answered for one to experience a profound life. Questions undermining the very fundamentals of our life on earth and about the essence of existence. These are specially important for not answering them can be the cause of a major incoherency and chaos in one’s life. But amongst these questions there is one certain question that stands head and shoulder above others. The question of how you should conduct yourself in this world.
Many religions, philosophers, and scholars have put enormous effort to provide answers that are senseful and wise. While their teachings are discuss valuable viewpoints and are worthwhile, we should acknowledge that we are still humans. We are unique individuals and each of us have our own kind of problem, perspective, story, and life. Therefore, one cannot live validly by conducting the replica of someone else’s path in his life. Here is where the great significance of education comes up to help you answer this important question.
Just like the natural formation of the day and night, our life has also lightened and dark phases. When there is light we can easily see and collect the gems around us but in the dark we lose our visibility and miss many gifts. Education is supposed to give you the light and vision to see better not only in day time but also in the darkest hours. Receiving or collecting information from your teacher or professor is only one part of education, not the whole. Can we call ourselves educated when we accept every input without having the courage to question or criticize it? More sadly today’s information’s are instructed in a way to fit more and more people in the society of industrialism and consumerism. Meanwhile, there is war and nations are against nations, instead of changing we are encouraged to be standardized and so to be like everyone else.
We have become too atomized and separated by absurd ambitions, by greed, and by overvalued social agreements such as money, prestige, and position. And so, by accepting these old values, we have lost the sense of the beauty of the earth. We no longer pay attention to mountains or listen to the sound of wind. Our ears are no longer pleased with the melody of birds’ vocals or the sound of the breeze within leaves. We no longer notice the ruling discipline in a forest or the precise proportion of one tree to the next tree.
Don’t border yourself with external formalities of education and seek the truth everywhere including yourself. No book, no course and no degree will teach you this, since knowledge is a sensitivity that comes from inside. And that is when you can know how it feels to live without any fear. Consider education as your endless journey, learn to question and don’t fear to doubt your values. Lets harmonize our existence with the beauty of the earth.

