The Paradox of “Choice”

Published in
3 min readFeb 27, 2024

Options. Why do we even have them? Do I have to ‘choose’ between everything?

That kind of sucks.

I mean at least the thinking part. It drowns me.

What is “THE BEST CHOICE” anyways? -Depends.

I hate that word, or I hate it being so broad in a way for me to explore.

“Life is full of choices, but also life it is a choice itself.” What a cliché: but also it is the reality I am afraid.

Have you ever considered that life was more simpler back in those days? Or am I just the only delusional one to have done so? I really hope not.

Nowadays everything is getting easier and simpler in a way but at the same time it is complicated as hell. It’s like everything goes inside a duplicator and comes out more and more…

Limitation: That’s what we’re missing! Or are we? Here comes the tricky part.

Yet, there’s wisdom in recognizing that too many choices can be as paralyzing as having too few.

How, then, do we cope?


Embracing minimalism, setting personal priorities, and learning to accept the imperfection of our choices.

It is about focusing on what genuinely matters, whether it’s the things we own, the commitments we make, or the priorities we set.

When faced with a choice, we tend to be confused: Do I look into the benefits, or the option that best aligns with my values?

The true choice is the one that’s about prioritizing what genuinely contributes to our well-being and letting go of the rest.

Well that for sure lifts the weight off of our shoulders.

But- it doesn’t end there.

It anchors us in the midst of the storm of decisions.

Realizing we don’t need to stress over every choice or fear missing out can be incredibly calming.

Understanding that focusing on our well-being and values can streamline our decisions is one thing; actually doing it amidst society’s noise and endless options is another.

The real test is not just figuring out what matters but sticking to it despite countless distractions.

Once done that, this understanding marks the beginning, not the end, of mastering the paradox of choice. It involves stepping from awareness into action — deliberately selecting what enriches our lives and filtering out the excess. That is the place where the true challenge lies.

Yet, this is where we find our balance.

By committing to what truly matters, we navigate the sea of options not with fear, but with purpose. The noise fades, the distractions lose their allure, and we discover not just the peace in choosing, but the power in choosing wisely.

The so called ‘journey’ through the paradox of choice is, ultimately, a journey towards understanding ourselves.

Besides the endless possibilities, the best choice is the one that brings us closer to our authentic selves.

In embracing this journey, we not only navigate the paradox of choice with grace; we turn it into a pathway for self-discovery and fulfillment, ultimately crafting a life rich with meaning and aligned with our deepest selves.

