Simone Loddoni
Published in
2 min readNov 18, 2023

Hi I’m Simone Loddoni, student in H-FARM and activist.

In this article i will try to explain why it’s important to care about politics and actuality, it doesn’t matter your political view or the time you spend on it, as long as you don’t ignore it.

“Turn on politics or politics will turn on you” is the famous quote by Ralph Nader, but what does it mean? It means that politics will affect your life whether you like it or not, in a positive way, for example defending democratic and liberty values, or in a negative way, for example when politics focus on hatred of minorities.

Indifference is and must be the main opponent of every democratic country, “freedom is participation” said one Italian songwriter, Without active participation, the masses become vulnerable to the influence of a select few, perpetuating a cycle where the powerful continue to dominate the powerless.

Indifference is what politicians love more, when Mussolini was in power, the majority of the population wasn’t actually fascist, but still fascism influenced the lives of everyone, forcing the many to live and die for values they didn’t believe in.

Our liberal world is in crisis, the percent of population who votes is always lower, the younger generation are those that vote less than any other generation, this is a paradox, if we don’t make ourself valuable the politicians will keep to prefer policies for the older generation, who brings them more votes, this is generational equity, we have the right to be listened, but if we don’t fight for our rights no one will, without our interest, politics will keep doing the interest of the electoral bubbles, instead of doing what politics really must do, CREATE A VISION and follow it, hoping that it will improve a country, a city or the whole world for the younger generations.

Our generation is in danger, the danger of living in a future without democracy nor hope, this is my plea, do not ignore politics, inform yourself, be critical of politics, don’t accept things as they are, it dosen’t matter what your opinions are, nor does what party you support or if you vote or not (abstentionism is still a position) until we don’t give up on politics, politics won’t give up on you.

