Way back home?

Aisana Tazheden
Published in
2 min readAug 28, 2023

The journey back to my homeland stirs a whirlwind of emotions within me. Having spent my entire life in one country before embarking on a journey abroad for studies, the return home after just a year away unveils a whole new world. The city I once took for granted now unfurls before me with fresh eyes, as if I’m a tourist exploring its hidden gems for the first time. Every street corner, every building, every familiar face seems to hold new stories and nuances.

My culture and the people I’ve known all my life take on a different dimension, as if I’ve been granted a new lens through which to view them. I find myself appreciating the richness of my heritage, embracing traditions and customs that I perhaps didn’t fully grasp before. Yet, in the midst of this newfound appreciation, a sense of longing for what I left behind tugs at my heartstrings. The familiar scents, sounds, and experiences that I yearned for while away now envelop me, making the embrace of home both heartwarming and achingly nostalgic.

However, this return also comes with a certain complexity. The clarity of distance has not only allowed me to see the beauty and value of my homeland but has also revealed its challenges and issues. The friends who were once constants in my life have evolved, just as I have. Our experiences apart have shaped us in unforeseen ways, and the dynamics have shifted. As I step back into the realm of the familiar, it’s like reconnecting with a place that remains unchanged, while I, myself, have undergone a profound transformation.

In essence, coming home feels like a collision of past and present, where the scenery is the same, but the perspective is refreshingly different.

