What is cosplay? And why people do it?

Aisana Tazheden
Published in
2 min readJul 10, 2023

Cosplay (from English “cosplay”, short for “costume game”) is a hobby in which people create costumes and actively embody images of characters from various sources, such as comics, manga, anime, video games, movies, and TV series. Cosplayers strive to recreate the appearance and style of clothing of the characters as accurately as possible, as well as imitate their demeanour and facial expression.

As a cosplayer who has been attending festivals and participating in cosplay contests for several years, I can share my ideas about this experience.

Firstly, participation in cosplay festivals and contests is a great pleasure. When you embody a character for whom you have a passion and who is dear to you, it creates a special emotional connection with the process. People’s attitudes toward cosplay at these events are often very positive and supportive, which creates a pleasant atmosphere and allows you to enjoy every moment.

Getting to know other cosplayers and community members is also one of the most wonderful aspects. The opportunity to share your creative ideas, learn about new techniques and approaches, and just chat with people who share your passion for cosplay is an inspiring and enriching form of communication. I can imagine that new friendships often arise, and it is this solidarity and community support that make this experience even more special.

Of course, participation in cosplay contests adds extra excitement and adrenaline. Being recognized at such events and receiving prizes, I can imagine the pride and satisfaction they bring. This is a confirmation of your creative work, efforts, and progress. In addition, public performances and demonstrations on stage can be exciting, but at the same time, they provide an opportunity to share your creativity with the audience and feel the connection with the character even deeper.

Overall, I would describe my experience as a cosplayer as intense, emotional, and inspiring. This allows me to express my creativity, enjoy becoming a character, be surrounded by like-minded people, and receive recognition for my efforts.

