HoloPort Nano

Current State of HoloPort Nanos

HoloPort Update

Published in
2 min readJul 19, 2019


Hey Holonauts!

In our video update last week we briefly mentioned how the Nano is just awaiting the new OS so it can be downloaded to every unit, packaged, and then shipped the distributors.

We wanted to share some of the common questions about the Nano — and our answers. Let us know if you have any new ones!

Will the Nanos ship at the same time as the other HoloPorts?

The Nanos will almost certainly ship to the Indiegogo backers and pre-purchasers at the same time as the HoloPort and HoloPort+. We’ll share more as the OS is completed, tested, certified, and shipped to the distribution centers.

What storage medium can I add to the Nanos?

The Nano will need to be connected to an external HDD with external power to have sufficient storage space. Smaller flash storage devices will likely not be sufficient. The external storage setup process will be well documented and supported.

What platform are the Nanos based on and is it upgradeable (outside the external storage)?

The Nanos are a customised, non-upgradable unit based on a Banana Pi.

Can I build my own Nano using a single board computer such as a Raspberry Pi?

The OS will be made available for DIY enthusiasts but we’re not yet sure what the best hardware will be to use. Once the Holo network has launched, hosting will scale to use the resources available to that system (processing power, storage, etc). There will likely be a ‘minimum requirement’ that we will released along with the software. We will not be able to support DIY hardware but we wouldn’t be surprised by the emergence of DIY solutions in the Holo Hosts community. :)

How is the Nano hardware looking?

The Nano hardware has passed all the Quality Control tests and look great in their aluminium cases!

How ready is the Nano software and is it currently being flashed to the units?

The final image for the Nano has just been completed, but must be tested before it is downloaded to all of the Nanos.

We’ll continue to keep you updated with the latest about the Nanos as the final steps are completed!

As always, thanks. You are a part of the team, making this possible.

— The Holo team

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