Holo Infrastructure and Core Components

Emerging Clouds — Distributed Hosting Update 02




In our first issue, we gave you a map of the major components involved in Holo Hosting, then zoomed in on a couple of those components to tell you how things were progressing. As promised, here is a status update of some of the other components.


  1. HoloFuel Undergoing Gruelling Battery of Tests
  2. Service Logs App Ready, Holo Host and hApp Store Apps in Progress
  3. Holochain Admin App in Testing, Holochain Installer/Onboarding in Design
  4. HoloPort Eye Candy Update: A Sneak Peek of the Aurora LED in Action!


1. HoloFuel Undergoing Gruelling Battery of Tests

HoloFuel has gone through a few iterations. From early versions built on the Holochain-Go prototype, to the refactored version built on the new version of Holochain; we’ve refined the core transaction flow, strengthened Sybil resistance and fraud detection, written and expanded our battery of tests, and created UI mockups to model transaction flows. Because HoloFuel is an app that runs on Holochain, we’ve been pushing the development of Holochain-Core in the process. We’re also prototyping a ‘wallet’ style UI for end-users.

*Please note, these are not final versions and there may be changes to the interface design.

2. Service Logs App Ready, Holo Host and hApp Store Apps in Progress

The Holo Host Service Logs App, which hosts use to record proof of service in preparation for invoicing app creators, is built and ready for integration. We’re also conducting internal demos of the hApp Store, which will be available to both Holo hosts and Holochain users in a later alpha. The Holo Host App, which allows hosts to join the hosting marketplace and select apps they are willing to host, is being designed and developed. The Holo Host App is scheduled to be the last one in line because it interacts with all the other components, which by necessity then, makes them prerequisite.

3. Holochain Admin App in Testing, Holochain Installer/Onboarding in Design

For users who run Holochain on their own machines, their first contact with the world of agent-centric, distributed apps shouldn’t scare them away. The onboarding process will guide them through the complexities of identity creation in a comfortable, easy-to-understand way. Once identity and revocation keys are set up, users will want to install and remove apps, create extra identities, and monitor activity in their apps.

The Holochain Admin App is one of the key components in our user-friendliness effort. We’ve finished porting it from Holochain-Go to Holochain-Rust, and are demoing it as part of the internal phase of Closed Alpha. It required a lot of new functionality that was not available in Holochain-Go.

  • Please note, identity creation for Holo web users doesn’t involve the full DeepKey process described in our recent articles.

*Please note, these are the earliest ‘internal testing’ UIs we developed, but they will receive major updates before being made publicly available.

4. HoloPort Eye Candy Update: A Sneak Peek of the Aurora LED in Action!

It’s exciting to watch — it’s the HoloPort boot up sequence, complete with the status LED changing modes at each stage! This is the real thing — from power-off to a running Holochain Conductor service.


Video Legend

1. Shown

  • Flashing Blue: Booting Up
  • Flashing Red: Finding Network (color subject to change)
  • Aurora: All Systems Go

2. Not Shown

  • Flashing Green: Starting Up DNA Instances
  • Flashing Orange: Starts Overheating

In our next update, we’ll share more about The Host’s Journey.

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Holo is a distributed cloud hosting platform for peer-to-peer Holochain apps (hApps); building a better web. Powered by @Holochain