Weekly Roundup 14 — Week ending June 22nd

Holochain & Holo Weekly Roundup 14 — Week ending June 22nd

Published in
2 min readJun 22, 2019


If you’d like to dive deeper into everything happening at Holochain and Holo, please check out this week’s links below:

Holochain Dev Pulse 33 — Diorama for App-Spec Tests, A Separate Repo for Holonix, and More!
This week we have bug fixes, API improvements, and a new way of defining a zome.

You can now invest in the Internet of Energy! Join RedGrid in their Australian crowd equity raise. The raise will be officially open this July. To register your interest, click here
Check out the video about Micro-Grid Energy Solutions!

Community Matters 06 — TVG, An Unlikely Community Voice and Advocate
“In my view, this project, more than any other, has the potential to change the way our social, political, and economic societies work and evolve into something more sustainable and mutually beneficial.”

Check out the community-led infographic contest! While Holo does not fund this type of engagement, we happily support our community’s enthusiasm.

What is hashing? What are digital signatures? What are distributed hash tables?
@Holochainnews on Twitter has created a short, simple video on how hashing and DHTs work.

Holo’s David Atkinson and Eric Bear speaking at Blockchain Hub Kiev
@Holoislandnews on Twitter shares this short video of a Holochain presentation in Kiev.

As always, if you have general questions about Holo, Holochain, or HoloPorts — or want to join our enthusiastic community — the best place to start is on our Telegram Chat.

If you have specific questions or any technical issues regarding Holo, you can read more, or contact us directly at https://help.holo.host.




Holo is a distributed cloud hosting platform for peer-to-peer Holochain apps (hApps); building a better web. Powered by @Holochain