Monthly Roundup for Holo & Holochain

January Edition

Published in
6 min readFeb 4, 2021


Welcome to our monthly roundup — January edition, as always I’m bringing you the scoop of the month. If you have been reading the regular updates we share in Telegram or Twitter, you probably already know that we’ve now got a working Elemental Chat application and that we are hard at work preparing the Holochain and Holo infrastructure so that we can release it to all hosts. We are almost there!

If you’re wondering what exactly we’ve been working on at Holo and Holochain this past month — the wait is over! Let’s jump right in.

New Year, New Energy

The first Dev Pulse of the new year is going to be a short one. That’s not because nothing’s happening — in fact, it’s partly because there’s a lot going on, and I need to get back to it. Holochain RSM is growing up, and it’s time for both veteran and new devs to start developing on it. (That means that new developer documentation is coming soon!)

Read Holochain Dev Pulse 88New Year, New Energy

Testing, Testing, Testing (and some goodies for developers)

The big focus of the last couple weeks has been testing Holochain, by way of testing Elemental Chat on HoloPorts. We’ve narrowed down the scenarios where performance decreases, and we’re doubling down on making Holochain work well in those scenarios.

I’ve also got a grab bag of news for developers — tools, promises of tools, and breaking changes in Holochain that should make your life a bit easier.

Read Holochain Dev Pulse 89Testing, Testing, Testing (and some goodies for developers)

Moving HoloFuel up on the Roadmap

Yes, you read that right! We are actually ahead of where we expected to be in some ways. While it is taking a while to complete infrastructure testing because that is one of the most complex aspects of our work, we have been able to move many other activities forward. Because of that we decided to shift the HoloFuel application up in the roadmap. Here is what it looks like with the new changes. Check it out on our website where you will find more details.

Holochain RSM Migration Guide

while there’s not a lot of code samples in the guide, it does point out ways that we’ve been able to learn things over the past couple years. We’ve been able to leverage Rust in better ways for the SDK, which means app devs are able to cut their code 50–60% and write more ergonomic code in the process. We’re also taking advantage of advances in concurrency libs from the Rust ecosystem to remove deadlocks and race conditions and generally make this crazy distributed computing thing more efficient.

So the migration guide + the HDK docs (not available online, unfortunately), plus the new holochain codebase might be interesting for other RiB devs to explore. Check out evolving Migration Guide from Redux to RSM

Regular Holo Dev Updates on Twitter

If you are curious about the — hot from the press dev updates — those can be found on Twitter.

Low Code Zone

A series focusing on simple hApp dev solutions for real humans. Low Code Zone explores the possibilities when agent centric solutions are combined with simple, modular tools that make building an app as simple as configuring a website. Watch the first episodes:

Build it! [Powered by Holochain]

Build It! Is a short, live, guided tour of how to quickly develop working apps on Holochain using scaffolding and rapid application development tools.

Next Live AMA coming 9th Feb 2021 at 8am UTC — Hack it with Phil EP 6
You can submit tech questions here.

Holochain Ecosystem Sessions

Ecosystem Sessions are long-form conversations with long-standing Holochain app builders on progress, beliefs and the ins and outs of building distributed solutions and organisations around them.

Rust In Blockchain Newsletter

RiB Newsletter #20 — Old fashioned chill

Holochain at FOSDEM 2021 online conference 5–7 February 2021

We’re co-hosting a track at this year’s FOSDEM conference. The track is called Beyond Blockchain — Distributed Web. FOSDEM 2021 is all online, and totally free, so we encourage you to show up and encourage your dev friends to join us too.

Holochain folks will be hosting a few talks and workshops focused on helping developers understand Holochain and get started with hApp development. Hope to see you there!

Lead Org Update — HoloFuel App Design Energises our Progress

Here’s what you will find inside:

  • Introducing the new HoloFuel App Design
  • Progress on Many Fronts
  • Moving HoloFuel up on the Roadmap

Read the latest edition of Holo Today.

Watch the replay of AMA 44

In December we’ve hosted an AMA 44, you can watch the replay here. Grab a sneak peak of Elemental Chat.

We want to hear your questions for our next AMA so go ahead and ask away!

What developers say about Holochain RSM?

This month the huge and important event was the release of Holochain RSM — a new better, faster, stronger Holochain. Now it’s the time to hear what developers say about it!

Watch the videos from community devs playing with and learning about Holochain RSM!

Join the RSM Technical discussion on the Holochain Forum and learn more about the various features of the new Holochain and how to migrate your hApp. Find the playlist here.

AMA Quick Cuts — New Playlist on YouTube now!

Watch short clips on YouTube straight out of the AMA! Check the ever growing playlist here

Our community and events team is working tirelessly to bring people together and create amazing things on Holochain. As always, we would like to give our appreciation to all the community organisers without whom it would be not possible to create this magic! Many events are conducted virtually to respect the #SocialDistancing, so nothing is stopping you to participate!

Interested in building a hApp? Join Holochain Forum and start your journey!

Check out our upcoming events section and come along. Everyone’s welcome!

As always, if you have general questions about Holo, Holochain, or HoloPorts — or want to join our enthusiastic community — the best place to start is on our Twitter and Holochain Forum.

If you have specific questions or any technical issues regarding Holo or HoloPorts, you can read more, or contact us directly at

We hope you’ve enjoyed this month’s short news collection and we will catch you next month — Paulii @ Holo



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Holo is a distributed cloud hosting platform for peer-to-peer Holochain apps (hApps); building a better web. Powered by @Holochain