Monthly Roundup for Holo & Holochain

October Edition

Published in
6 min readNov 5, 2020


Welcome to our October edition of the Monthly Roundup for Holo & Holochain! We have been very busy with working towards our updated Product Roadmap. If you’re wondering what exactly we’ve been working on at Holo and Holochain this past month — the wait is over! Let’s jump right in.

Migrating Your Holochain App To RSM (Alpha)

With Holochain RSM rapidly maturing and Holochain Redux in maintenance mode, I think it’s high time to start migrating your app. In this issue I talk about the why and the how. There’s also a small update about the status of the HoloPort Nano at the end.

Read the Holochain Dev Pulse 83: Migrating Your Holochain App To RSM

Building Together: RedGrid’s ‘Internet of Energy’ Mission and the Holochain Community

How a green energy startup adopted a technology, found a tribe, and recaptured a treasure.

Read Building Together: RedGrid’s ‘Internet of Energy’ Mission and the Holochain Community

A Look at the Holo Hosting Infrastructure

With a Holochain RSM-powered hApp coming to HoloPort testers within weeks, and hosting infrastructure being deployed soon afterwards, I thought it’d be helpful to explain just what it is we’re about to release to the world.

Read Holochain Dev Pulse 82 — A Look at the Holo Hosting Infrastructure

𝗨𝗽𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗱𝘂𝗰𝘁 𝗥𝗼𝗮𝗱𝗺𝗮𝗽

This evolving product roadmap outlines our upcoming milestones as we work through our agile development plans for Holo & Holochain RSM. Check it out on our website where you will find more details.

𝗛𝗣𝗢𝗦 𝗿𝗲𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲 & 𝗡𝗮𝗻𝗼𝘀 𝗨𝗽𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗲

20 Nanos were shipped from the manufacturer to the European warehouse for use by our team, read more here.

Demo First Hosted hApp Available via a Web Browser

Watch Bekah, Jarod & Rob sending quick transactions with TestFuel! Watch here.

Holochain RSM (Alpha) Migration Guide

while there’s not a lot of code samples in the guide, it does point out ways that we’ve been able to learn things over the past couple years. We’ve been able to leverage Rust in better ways for the SDK, which means app devs are able to cut their code 50–60% and write more ergonomic code in the process. We’re also taking advantage of advances in concurrency libs from the Rust ecosystem to remove deadlocks and race conditions and generally make this crazy distributed computing thing more efficient.

So the migration guide + the HDK docs (not available online, unfortunately), plus the new holochain codebase might be interesting for other RiB devs to explore. Check out evolving Migration Guide from Redux to RSM

Regular Holo Dev Updates on Twitter

If you are curious about the — hot from the press dev updates — those can be found on Twitter.

Holochain Ecosystem Sessions — Acorn

Welcome to Holochain Ecosystem Sessions! David Atkinson interviewed Connor Turland at Sprillow who is building Acorn. Watch it here. Watch Acorn Quick Demo.

Holochain Ecosystem Sessions — bHive

Welcome to Holochain Ecosystem Sessions! David Atkinson interviewed Ian McBurney — Executive Officer at bHive. Watch it here.

Kizuna Messaging App on Holochain

Kizuna, a P2P distributed secure messaging app written on Holochain, is kicking off their crowdfunding campaign to catalyze their non-profit project. The Tokyo-based team is committed to creating a better world where individuals’ can communicate and create authentic relationships over the internet with confidence. The messaging application will disrupt and elevate standards of web communication by giving users full control and privacy.

We invite you to celebrate their contributions to the Holochain ecosystem by joining in the upcoming crowdfunding campaign!

Check out their site here and sign up to their newsletter.

RSM (Alpha) Core Deep Dive

Watch Guillem Cordoba, DevCamp teachers and community developers learn about the new features of RSM together! The group explored the new Holochain features in depth through a series of video calls to discuss implications for Holochain app architecture. Thanks to all that participated and for sharing your conversation in the wider Holochain ecosystem!

Rust In Blockchain Newsletter

RiB Newsletter #17 — Trick? Or Trait?

Leadership & Org Update 22 — The Path from RSM (Alpha) to Beta

A few weeks ago we announced and opened up the code repository for Holochain RSM — a new version of Holochain with a refactored state model (RSM). If you’ve followed some of the more technical articles or the AMA where Arthur Brock, the co-founder and principal architect of Holochain described the fundamentals of the changes, you probably know already that much more than just the state model was changed.

Read Holo Today — Leadership & Org Update 22 — The Path from RSM to Beta

Watch the replay of AMA 43

Did you miss the AMA? Not to worry we have a replay for you to watch! Find out about the new Roadmap milestones and much more! Here you will find here. Do you have a question for the next AMA? Submit here.

What developers say about Holochain RSM (Alpha)?

This month the huge and important event was the release of Holochain RSM — a new better, faster, stronger Holochain. Now it’s the time to hear what developers say about it!

Watch the videos from community devs playing with and learning about Holochain RSM (Alpha)!

Join the RSM Technical discussion on the Holochain Forum and learn more about the various features of the new Holochain and how to migrate your hApp. Find the playlist here.

AMA Quick Cuts — New Playlist on YouTube now!

Watch short clips on YouTube straight out of the AMA! Check the playlist here

Our community and events team is working tirelessly to bring people together and create amazing things on Holochain. As always, we would like to give our appreciation to all the community organisers without whom it would be not possible to create this magic! Many events are conducted virtually to respect the #SocialDistancing, so nothing is stopping you to participate!

Interested in building a hApp? Join Holochain Forum and start your journey!

Check out our upcoming events section and come along. Everyone’s welcome!

As always, if you have general questions about Holo, Holochain, or HoloPorts — or want to join our enthusiastic community — the best place to start is on our Twitter and Holochain Forum.

If you have specific questions or any technical issues regarding Holo or HoloPorts, you can read more, or contact us directly at

We hope you’ve enjoyed this month’s short news collection and we will catch you next month!

Wondering How Can You Help?

In the next few weeks we will be opening up more and more ways for our community to participate. Here is what you can do now and how you can prepare to move forward with Holo and Holochain.

hApp Devs: Install Holochain, hop on the Holochain Forum, attend online meetups, and connect with other teams of devs who are beginning to write new apps in Holochain. Look for updated design specs for core open source hApps that we all need for moving the ecosystem forward.

Hosts: Get on the Holo Forum and start finding 2–3 other hosts that are in aligned time zones and coordinate some testing times. Respond to any survey or sign up requests for team testing when you receive the links.

Marketers and Biz Dev Folks: Create channels on the Holochain Forum and reach out to our growth team about 3rd party grants you think are perfect for distributed app/ distributed infrastructure projects you are excited to develop.

Writers: Contribute to the site and to our blogs for both Holochain and Holo. Do you have a submission you’d like to make? Reach out to

Graphic Designers and Animators: Help Holo and Holochain share complicated messages that are more digestible, and more fun! Share cool related design projects with us — like this Animated Holo Cloud by sending links to (projects should be open-source or commons licensed).



Editor for

Holo is a distributed cloud hosting platform for peer-to-peer Holochain apps (hApps); building a better web. Powered by @Holochain