Restrictions Got You Down? Don’t Get Left Out of Holo!

Jean M Russell
Published in
3 min readMar 28, 2018

The restrictions for participating in the Holo ICO end up excluding people. Don’t let that stop you from participating in Holo! We want those excluded by restrictions to know what else they can do to participate and engage if they get excited about what we are co-creating with our community.

  • Maybe you’re restricted by our limit: you live in a restricted country like the U.S. or South Korea. We are excluding participants from China, South Korea, and the U.S. (and any other place that is or might become illegal to participate in an ICO). It isn’t illegal in the United States, but we knew when we started that the SEC is looking carefully at ICOs, and we wanted to be sure that we wouldn’t be limited by future regulation changes. Instead we sought the best regulatory environment we could that fit our needs.
  • Maybe it is your choice: you don’t want to go through our whitelisting process and provide an identification with your ETH address. In order for Holo to run between the traditional world and the emergent ones, we need operational banking in the current world. In order for banks for accept our funds, we have to fulfill KYC (Know Your Customer) requirements. That is why we ask people to whitelist. We know the blockchain world attracts people who appreciate the value of anonymity. And because of that we know we lose some of our community by asking people to whitelist, but we believe we will also gain agility, so our organization can function after the ICO.
  • Perhaps buying ETH to invest in the ICO is not your thing. No worries. We built a community invested in the distributed world of tomorrow for a wide variety of reasons. Not all of our community is here to speculate on currency. Many are here to build applications, take back their personal data and privacy, etc. Some of these people, attracted by our aims and purpose, do not have ETH and may not step over the threshold into investing in our ICO. We still want these people (you!) to co-create with us!

Three Ways You Can Participate Beyond the Holo ICO

Don’t get left out. Regardless, there are still plenty of ways to play with Holo and Holochain, buy and earn HoloTokens and then Holo fuel, and engage with us in building the internet we all want.

1. Certainly if you bought a hosting device through our crowdfunding campaign, you’ll be able to earn Holo fuel once Holo is operational!

2. Crypto is just one form of capital. You can also invest your time and talents, your ideas and connections, your vision and purpose. Here are some other forms of capital you take part in:

Restrictions might limit participation in the Holo ICO. And, don’t get left out of Holo! Find the way to play with us that fits for you.

