The theory of existence

Rayan Uddin
H2 English
Published in
2 min readSep 18, 2018

I agree with postman’s theory; the evolution of self-desire will be the root cause of the inevitable death of the human. As a society, we will hit the threshold for when we are so occupied with the propaganda of civil society that we will be blind to the government. Genocide will become an everyday news story that no one will care about. Activists will be lobotomized by the USFG, we are already seeing this In the status quo. For example, governmental resections on the autonomy of the body, were the state dictates what’s “right” and “wrong”. Postman isolates how we won’t have self-autonomy in the future because we’ll be too occupied by more “important” things. When the government has full autonomy over our bodies we should be asking; why the government dictates the politics of our bodies? Postman’s theory goes hand in hand with Foucault theory of Biopolitical power. The sovereign and government will have complete control over the subaltern like slaves. Nazism is an example of the politicking of the body, the impact is genocide, though postman doesn’t claim that, he implies that “Big Brother” won’t have to try and oppress us, instead we perpetuate oppression by following the inherently evil rooted system. The solution is a total rejection of all instances or even during down the state. If we feed into the system postman argues that we will be eaten alive by distractions of the state. Once we break the threshold, we won’t see the road back to safety and be enslaved into “captive culture”. Technology was the start to the end of human creativity.

