12 Simple steps to register and get started with BitMart

Michael John Smurthwaite
H2O Securities
Published in
4 min readJun 27, 2022

Sometimes you need a little help getting started and in this article, we will help you register for Bitmart, so that you are able to start trading H2ON and any other crypto.

The first step is to register and you can click 👉this link to get started. Once you have clicked on the link, you will see the screen as per image step 1 below. Click on the “Register” button.

You will now see the screen as shown in step 2 above. If you clicked the link on a desktop, you will automatically have been taken to step 2. You may choose to register using your email or phone number. Once you have entered your email or phone number, enter a password in the password field.

Please make sure that you store the password securely and that it complies with all the security requirements. Next, you will see the screen shown in step 3 above. Slide the puzzle piece to the correct slot and it will automatically move to step 4 above once successful.

You will now receive a verification code either via Email or SMS depending on which one you selected when you registered. Enter the code that you receive in the corresponding field.

If you are on your mobile phone, you can now download the app and follow the steps below. If you are on a desktop, skip the next section and go to the section for desktop users

Mobile App

Locate the Bitmart app in the app store as shown in step 5 above. Click “Install”. Once the app has been installed, it will display the “Open” option as seen in step 6. Click “Open”.

The Bitmart app will now launch and ask you to confirm various permissions as seen in steps 7 & 8 above. Click on “Allow” for each of these options.

The app will open as shown in step 9 above. Click on the icon on the top left and then click on “Login/Sign up” as shown in step 10.

You will now be required to authorize the device and will see the page shown in step 11 above. Enter the authorization code as received on the Email or by SMS depending on your login method. Enter the code and click “Authorize”. You should now see the confirmation as shown in step 12.

Congratulations you have now registered and created your Bitmart account.


After registering, you will need to log in to Bitmart. To do this, click on “Sign in” located on the top right-hand side. You will then see the sign-in box for you to input your details as per the image below. Enter your details and click “Sign In”

You will now need to complete the puzzle as shown in the below image. Drag the puzzle piece to the correct position and once complete you will be automatically redirected to the authorized device page as shown in the next image.

Enter the authorization code received by Email or SMS and click “Submit”. once you have clicked submit you will see confirmation as per the image below.

Whether on mobile or desktop, you should now be registered and able to log in and view your Bitmart account. If you have any further issues with registration, please refer to the Bimart help guide.

