Easy step-by-step guide on how you can create your H2ON wallet in MetaMask

Michael John Smurthwaite
H2O Securities
Published in
4 min readJun 21, 2022

This guide will help you to easily set up your MetaMask wallet. While any wallet that accepts BEP20 is sufficient, we recommend that you use MetaMask if you wish to make use of the extended functionality of the H2O Securities H2O Water Network such as connected services that includes: engineering services, consulting services, maintenance, water treatment, operations, operations training, staffing, insurance, risk management services, surveying, data management, equipment, and material supplies.

Follow the simple steps below and you should be set up in no time.

Step1: Download the MetaMask app from the app store

The app in the AppStore will look like the image below. Click on “Install” to install the app on your device. Once it has been installed, click “Open” and move to Step2.

Step2: Create, Setup, and secure your wallet on your device

Firstly, click the “Get Started” (2.1), and then select “Create a new wallet” (2.2). However, if you already have a MetaMask wallet, select “Import using Secret Recovery Phrase”. Next, decide if you want to share the requested information with MetaMask and select the appropriate option for you as shown in 2.3.

You will now be redirected to the next section and asked to set up a password for your wallet as shown in the image (2.4) below. Please make sure that this password is secure and do not share it with anyone.

Finally, you need to secure your wallet to ensure that you are able to recover your wallet should you ever get locked out of the app or change devices and wish to set up your wallet on your new device.

Click “Start” as shown in 2.5 above and then start again as shown in 2.6. Then when you see the screen as shown below in 2.7 below click “View”. MAKE sure to write down the Secret Recovery Phrase as represented on the screen and keep it safe. Once you click “Continue”, you will be asked to confirm the Secret Recovery Phrase as shown in 2.8. Once you see the congratulations page, move onto Step3.

Step3: Change networks to the Binance Smart Chain.

Since the H2ON Token is minted on the Binance Smart Chain as a BEP20 token you would have to set up your wallet on the Binance Smart Smart Chain network.

Click on the menu (3 lines on the top left-hand side) indicated in 3.1 by the blue square. Then click the “Settings” tab indicated in 3.2 and finally select “Networks” as shown in 3.3.

Now enter the details in fields as indicated by 3.4 below. The following details are required for this section: Network Name: Smart Chain, RPC Url: https://bsc-dataseed.binance.org/, Chain ID: 56, Symbol: BNB, and finally Block Explorer URL: https://bscscan.com.

Once you are done, click “Add”. You will be redirected to your wallet home screen as indicated by 3.5 and you should now see the BNB network as shown by the blue rectangle. You will now need to import the H2ON Token to your wallet in order to receive or send H2ON Tokens. Click “Import Tokens” and follow the instructions in Step4 below.

Step4: Import the H2ON Token to your wallet

Now, import the H2ON Token by copying our full contract address: 0xE0E81c29A68bFDd7c48072fD94e7c58F1f0146C1 and pasting it into the Token Address field as shown in 4.2 below. The Token symbol and Token of Precision fields should auto-populate. If they do not, then enter H2ON for the Token Symbol and the number 18 for Token of Precision.

Once you have entered the details, Click “Import”. You will now be redirected to your Wallet home screen and should see the H2ON Token as per 4.3.

Congratulations. You now have an H2ON Token wallet in MetaMask, ready to Buy, receive,send or stake tokens.

