H2O Securities Weekly Update-Week18

Milton Smith
H2O Securities
Published in
2 min readMay 9, 2023

02 May 2023–09 May 2023


H2ON traded in a range between $ 0,0068 and $ 0,009.


Our investment acquisition efforts are our core focus and in the past week we have ramped up our efforts in our pursuit of securing additional seed capital. With a strong commitment and unwavering determination, we are actively engaging with over 200 valuable investor contacts, exploring every opportunity to bring in new funding.

We appreciate the support and contributions from our community, and remain committed to keeping you informed of our progress. Our team remains committed to pursuing every opportunity to bring in new investors and funding, and we will keep you updated on our progress. With your continued support, we are confident that we will achieve our goals and deliver long-term value for our investors.


Our team is making steady progress in developing the automated leasing solution software for our H2O Securities Leasing Solutions site. We are dedicated to ensuring that the functionality, security, and protocols of our solutions undergo rigorous testing before integration with the site and beta testing. Rest assured, our team is working tirelessly to deliver a high-quality product.

For those who missed it, our leasing platform will provide our clients with a cost-effective, efficient, and secure way to finance their water infrastructure needs. You can view the site here.


Our total staking pools have continued to grow and there are now 10,2M tokens staked mark.

Our long term staked tokens (1 Year & 2 Year Pools) continue to have APR rates above 43%, with the 2 Year Pool APR still sitting on 51% to be our most popular pools. The staked H2ON continues to represent more than 58% of total H2ON tokens in free circulation.

If you haven’t yet staked your H2ON, you can still benefit from the initial high APR rates that still prevail. Click here to stake now.

We have also added an article on how you can earn passive income from staking your H2ON & USDT Liquidity tokens on ApeSwap. You can read the article here.



Milton Smith
H2O Securities

A technophile looking for solutions to problems others haven’t solved yet