Week 5 Customer Discovery

Mike Kearnes
Published in
1 min readMay 3, 2019


Now that we have identified our beneficiary, we really want to dive into what specific features they need to be more effective. We are going to ask our interviewees to rank the features they deem most important and really nail down how we can best improve the situation.

Two additional areas for us to explore are in gaining buy-in and support, as well as finding more about the acquisitions process for this specific technology. As we discover more about how to implement our solution across multiple agencies, we will identify potential saboteurs and gain insights into how to convert them into supporters or advocates instead of opponents.


Hypothesis 1: Not sharing steady-state (that is, inter-agency asset allocation prior to identification) patrol schedules among agencies operations limits vessel identification.

Hypothesis 2: Patrol routes are primarily informed by historic capture data (in SD) or static preset zones (in LA-LB).


Ask beneficiaries to rank order and prioritize certain features. Find out specifics about past acquisitions successes and failures. Determine which contractors are competing with us.

