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Become a Video Conferencing Badass — 12 Simple Suggestions

Raj Rana
The Haachi Collective
4 min readMar 29, 2020


As a species, we have edged a step closer to a Borg like collective in the workplace — Star Trek fans will understand that statement. More of us are connecting, collaborating and communicating together than ever before. It’s good to see.

The good news in all of this chaotic unfortunate mess is that we are evolving in the workplace. A byproduct of that is the increased adoption and frequency of video conferencing.

Whether you like it or not, this new normal requires change. A change for the better if you ask many.

With everyone pretty much in lock down (hello Sweden?), journalists, entertainers, schools and organisations are all without a choice in embracing this work from home situation.

Are you using Zoom, Hangouts, WhatsApp, Skype or another for your calls? Whichever platform you’re using, follow these suggestions to get the most out of your calls.

  1. Turn ON mute when you’re not speaking. This little trick does 3 things. Firstly and most importantly, it cancels out unwanted background noise when others are speaking (including your echo). Secondly, it decreases the amount of information going back and forth, resulting in a smoother video. Lastly, it keeps everyone from talking over each other. Useful Tip — turn ON mute when you’re not speaking ;)
  2. Choose a good background with enough light around. Photos and videos work best with lots of light. The light should be in front (or on the side) of you and NOT directly in front of the camera. A nice pleasant background (free of distractions) also helps. Useful Tip — set up a desk or table near a window. Add a small plant nearby if possible.
  3. Clean your camera before your call. You may be surprised that a simple clean of your camera face could drastically make your video clearer. A tiny smudge has a big impact. Useful Tip — get hold of a box of water wipes to regularly (daily) clean your laptop screen, keyboard and mouse/trackpad.
  4. Record the call. Having a video recording allows you to go back to the call and update your notes and act as a reference. Useful Tip — Google Suite is offering this for free until July 2020.
  5. Use headphones. Let’s face it, working from home has many distractions, especially if you have a family. Let others at home know you’re on a call by wearing headphones. Useful Tip — If you can afford them, noise cancelling headphones will keep you more focussed on the call.
  6. Speak clearly and directly into the camera. Speak into your mic/camera and not away from it. Practice speaking with your back straight, head high and maintaining eye contact. Let your voice be heard. Useful Tip — take a recording and play it back to yourself. Make adjustments where necessary.
  7. Get in position for the camera. You don’t need to be Martin Scorsese to get this right. Too close to the camera where the others are having to see you close up should be avoided. A partial view of your face is also a big NO. Useful Tip — Look at your passport picture for reference of a perfect composition.
  8. Get dressed and cleaned up for the call. As I discussed in an earlier article, stick to your shower, breakfast and other morning routines. Get dressed as if you were going to your office. Useful Tip — put some citrus scented smell on.
  9. Get away from distractions. Kind of obvious really, but if you can, lock yourself away, or let the household know you are on a call. A ‘do not disturb’ memo needs to be sent out in advance of the call ;) Useful Tip — make a DO NOT DISTURB sign for your desk.
  10. Declutter your desk/dining table. Your call area needs to look clean and organised. Aside from clutter not looking good to other members on the call, it adds as a distraction for you. Useful Tip — Clear your table of any non work clutter.
  11. Have a cup of coffee and/or water by your side. If you’re going to be talking a lot, you will need a clear voice. Useful Tip — Take regular sips during your call.
  12. Be on time. Not even something that has to be discussed. Respecting the others on the call means you turning up on time. Useful Tip — Set a notification on your calendar, your phone alarm or diary.

Do you already follow these suggestions? If so, you’re nailing your calls like a badass just like the title of this article suggests.

Have other suggestions, then please let us know.



Raj Rana
The Haachi Collective

I am the CEO of Sexy Beast. Lifestyle products that are obsessive about quality, design and comfort.