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Why Getting The Right Candidate Starts With A Good First Date

Raj Rana
The Haachi Collective
3 min readNov 27, 2019


I’m wondering how to write this article without sounding too preachy, pompous or self-righteous. You can judge me at the end of the article.

Human Resource heads of organisations always remind me it’s quality of candidates and not quantity they are after.

I get it and I agree with it wholeheartedly. But do they really get it? At least get it enough to want to do something about it? Or is it just something that’s said out of habit?

The First Date

The calibre and quality of candidate that a company will attract has a direct relationship to how an organisation presents itself. I believe this to be a glaringly obvious statement.

I always wonder why organisations don’t sell themselves enough on their first interaction (the Job Description) with candidates?

This interaction, to me, is no different to a first date. After this first date, the candidate will decide whether they want to see you again. Mess up the date and very rarely are you given a second chance.

Job Description Must-Haves

Let’s get the obvious requirements (in no particular order) of a Job Description (JD) out of the way first.

Without the right branding, the JD really lacks your personality. This could be a logo, strapline, colours and even font.

How you speak (or the tone) needs to be in line with all other communication and general work-life at the company. This gives the right impression before anything is read.

Spelling and grammar highlight to the candidate the type of organisation they are about to commit to. Badly spelt or punctuated content does not give the candidate a good signal.

The content structure and organisation makes it easier to read and understand. A single paragraph block without adequate paragraphs, titles, highlights etc will be read and understood less than something structured.

Job Description Essentials

It’s easy to forget the reasons candidates look to join any company. These very reasons need to be addressed in the JD, without which they are left thinking the worse.

Work-life balance is not just a buzzword. Everyone wants to work for companies that look after their well being. If your company does, say it.

People don’t quit a job, the saying goes — they quit a boss. Healthy communication within the company, from top-down makes people feel wanted and happy. Who would not want that? Highlight the initiatives your company has in this regard. People want to join organisations with open lines of communication.

Everyone wants to learn and be educated. In India, this is often cited as the single most important reason people choose to move jobs, more than money even. Highlighting learning opportunities and an environment conducive to learning is thus critical in a JD.

Job security makes us all feel safe. Knowing the basic benefits provided and other perks (birthdays, camps, holiday events?) gives candidates that security and knowing that you care. Details about honest and open channels of communication with HR that may exist help here. Company goals that are public will also play a big role in candidates feeling secure.

Details about the salary, location and position should feature at the top of the JD. These are the things ALL candidates will want to know first.

Company values with examples of what they mean in everyday work life to someone would give an idea of the priorities of your organisation and the culture within.

Finally, clear and concise details about the job let candidates know exactly what they will be doing. Prioritising this list with details that will take most of their time will be helpful. Videos and imagery will also be useful in making this clear.

What’s at Stake

Put yourself in the same shoes as the candidates here. We’ve all been there. What would you like to know about the organisation on that first date? If your first date hides things that are important to you, what thoughts swirl around in your head?



Raj Rana
The Haachi Collective

I am the CEO of Sexy Beast. Lifestyle products that are obsessive about quality, design and comfort.