My Habit Coach Pro Journey — Patty Vannoy

Patty Vannoy
Habit Coaching
Published in
3 min readDec 30, 2022

Hello! Patty Vannoy here. 👋

I wanted to share my HCP story with you! I’m a Life Coach and Certified Habit Coach Professional, and I’m also one of The Habit Coach Professionals Cohort Support Assistants — in fact you may just end up on my team when you join our next cohort! Anyways, I just wanted to share a bit with you about my Habit Coaching Journey …

I officially started my coaching practice, Declutterfy Your Life, in 2018 with the focus of helping clients who were burdened by their stuff. In the process of helping them to declutter their physical spaces, we talked about not only their possessions but also their emotions. Most of the time the virtual sessions went great. My clients had success and enjoyed our time together each week. But as a coach, there were times that I felt like I was just making it up as I went, like I wasn’t providing the best solutions/options for my client. I don’t think the client ever knew, but I did. I could feel an unsettling feeling that I didn’t quite know where to go next or what to say.

That’s when I knew I needed to find some structure and learn more about the nuances of coaching and human behavior so I could provide the best chance of long-term success for my clients.

Enter Habit Coach Pro! 🚀

I became a Certified Habit Coach Professional in November 2020 and it has been one of the best investments I have ever made! And not just for improving my coaching skills and my clients’ success … It has changed the way I approach my own habit building!! This certification was the sauce I was missing! Not only did it provide the structure I was looking for, it also included practical applications that I received personal feedback on to make sure I was understanding and utilizing the concepts appropriately. This part was invaluable! The coaching templates HCP provides are designed to dive into each aspect of the science behind The Habit Loop and changing behavior, and I now use them with EVERY client. The certification provided ample opportunity to engage and interact with the HCP Team and the other coaches in the cohort, which added an extra networking benefit too.

Since becoming certified, I have decided to make the shift toward Mindset and Habit Coaching being my main niche and focus because I can literally help anyone who is struggling to establish and keep healthy habits. My coaching confidence and competence has soared! I no longer feel unsure about the direction to coach my clients because the framework provides a solid base to return to at any point my client gets stuck so I always have a plan! I recommend this certification to any coach or trainer who is looking for that extra sauce in their practice!


