The Habit Coach Wrap 🌯

Your September update on the latest in the world of behavioral science-backed coaching!

Habit Coach Pro
Habit Coaching
4 min readOct 2, 2023


Hello from Lisbon, Portugal, Erin & Sam!

Welcome to another Habit Coach Wrap — your monthly update on the latest in the world of behavioral science-backed coaching!

We don’t want to leaf 🍁 you hanging too long, so we’ll get right into September’s insights, as well as some other exciting 🥳 things!

September Insights

If you’d like these insights sent straight to your inbox, join the mailing list here.

📖 Something to read

Your Primitive Brain Doesn’t Want You to Break Bad Habits. Science Can Help
Often times our clients blame themselves for being weak and unable to resist their bad habits. However, research suggests that habits cannot be tamed simply by resolving to willpower our way through them. If we want to help our clients change their habits, we need to understand how they work, anticipate the cues that trigger them, and find ways to break their habit cycle before it starts.

🎧 Add this to your podcast queue

Achieving More with Less
When clients comes to us. it is our natural instinct is to add rather than subtract when trying to improve a situation. We have a desire to display competence, and adding to a situation is a visible way to demonstrate that we can help our clients deal with the world effectively. However, subtracting is an often overlooked, and better strategy for many clients!

📺 Your must-see TV

How to Properly Design a Nudge

If we’re trying to help our clients change their behavior, we should think about how we can help them make the desired behavior easy, attractive, social, and timely.

💡Habit Coach Spotlight

Highlighting an inspiring habit coach from around the world

Irang Im

Founder & CEO

I am the Founder and CEO of HealthiBuddy, a glucose care company based in Seoul, South Korea. My company provides professional and systematic dietary, physical activity, and stress management services to diabetics. Myself and my coaches really enjoyed the Habit Coach Pro Level 1 Mentorship Program and we now have a systematic habit formation service for our company thanks to HCP!

Get in touch with Irang about her work, or experience in the HCP Level 1 Mentorship Program!

👋🏼Hello from Lisbon, Portugal!

HCP Co-Founders, Erin & Sam, just wrapped up 3-day working retreat in Lisbon, Portugal to plan out the next 18-months of HCP’s future! They have some exciting things to rollout in 2024 for all those who want to partake in the Habit Coaching Revolution! 🚀 Including …

😮Something BIG this January!

HCP will be doing something BIGger and better than last year on January 12th, 2024! You won’t want to miss this! Mark your calendar, and keep your eyes on your inbox for an exciting announcement soon!

And that’s a wrap! We hope enjoyed this month’s wonderfall 🍂 behavioral science backed coaching insights and announcements! We’ll be back in your inbox with more spicetacular 🧂 content at the end of October.

If you’d like these insights sent straight to your inbox, join the mailing list!


Erin, Sam, and The HCP SuperTeam 🦸‍♀️



Habit Coach Pro
Habit Coaching

Innovative platform aiming to bring behavioral science strategies to support coaches in better helping their clients make the healthy choice, the easy choice.