Tasin Tahamid
5 min readApr 2, 2023


Are you nervous about going on your first date? — Going on a date is usually the start of most relationships and making a good first impression on your first date is necessary. If your first impression isn’t good enough, there could be an end of your journey right there and of course, you don’t want that to happen. So you must be very careful and perfect on your first date and you surely don’t want to mess up. Here are the 7 bad things that you must change before going on your first date:

  1. OVER-COMPLIMENTING: Now, I don’t want you to be rude or something but just DON’T OVER-COMPLIMENT your partner. Complimenting is not bad and it of course plays a great role in showing love and attraction but being excessive about it may not lead to a good result. If you just compliment your partner over and over again, it just shows your weakness and it may mean that you’re just attracted to the external beauties of your partner. You don’t have to find every possible way to compliment your partner. Complimenting one or two times will do for it and I will personally recommend you to do that at least.

2. INSULTING: As I talked about over-complimenting, just the opposite, you shouldn’t be insulting your partner either. Your partner shouldn’t get hurt in any way. This may make her feel uncomfortable and think that you’re mean or too rude to be a partner. Think before you talk and don’t let anything that may hurt your partner slip out of your mouth. So, DO NOT INSULT your partner. I don’t want you to do it before or even during the relationship.

3. TALKING TOO MUCH OF YOURSELF: Introducing yourself is important, but don’t overdo it. In a relationship, understanding each other is important. You should give your partner the chance to talk too. You will be able to talk a lot about yourself during your relationship, but you don’t need to give all the information about yourself on your first date. Having a bit of mystery in your personality also makes you more attractive to your partner. And if your partner knows everything about you on the first date, he or she will feel bored talking to you later. So remember, DON’T TALK TOO MUCH OF YOURSELF.

4. SHOWING OFF: Being confident about yourself is important, but it doesn’t mean that you have to brag about all your achievements to your partner. DO NOT SHOW OFF. You’re not in a job interview telling your interviewer every possible reason there is to hire you. If you are something that you should be proud of, you don’t need to show off your achievements. Your achievements will shine by their brightness! I don’t want you to be a real nerd out there, so, just balance it yourself!

5. TRYING TO CONTROL EVERYTHING: On your first date, you shouldn’t always be the one to control everything. Be comfortable — discuss — make a decision. For example: when you’re ordering food, ask your partner about his or her preferences, discuss what will be the best to eat at that time and then order. That’s the way! You’re not a commander in a war and your partner is not bound to listen to you. You may make a decision or two during the relationship by yourself and that’s your choice, but doing that on your first date is a complete no-no. So, be polite and DON’T EVEN TRY TO CONTROL your partner!

6. BEING BORING: Be interesting to talk to. Your partner must not feel bored while talking to you. Try to find exciting topics and you don’t need to talk about rocket science. On your first date, you should start light and talk about basics. You can discuss a movie you watched or something you both prefer. You have to make your partner comfortable with you so that he or she thinks that you’re a part of his or her life. So, DON’T BE BORING at all.

7. BEING A BAD LISTENER: Listen carefully. Being a good listener is important in a relationship. Your partner is going to be with you for life and you both will face many problems. So, you will need to share your problems. If you don’t listen to your partner properly, he or she might think that you may do that during the relationship too. You need to make your partner think you’re the best option for him or her in the world and that you will be a good companion for life. You have to listen to your partner carefully and try to solve the problems. Even if there isn’t any serious issue, you must give your partner the chance to talk. So, DON’T BE A BAD LISTENER.

So, if you avoid doing the things that I mentioned above, there may be a good chance for you to be successful on your first date. Well listen, there are thousands of rules to be polite and you can’t follow all of them. So, I just mentioned the basics. Thanks for reading the article.

Also, let me know if you want to add something else to the list in the comments!! Don’t forget to mention what I should write about in my next article.



Tasin Tahamid

Hello, I am a blogger. I write about fitness & health, business, self-improvement, creativity, finance, skills & productivity, relationships.