Some great advices from my future self

Charlotte Bian
Published in
4 min readOct 27, 2021

A great goal setting exercise

Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash

I wrote a letter to me from 1 year later. (2022)

I learnt about this exercise (writing letter from future self)through our company leaders. They did this exercise early this year to help them align and communicate their personal goals and the department goals.

This is such a great exercise. so I borrowed it and wrote a letter to me from Charlotte in 2022. It’s like a perfect combination of futurespective and goal setting tool. And sometime who gave you better advice than yourself.

The exercises steps are easy to follow

Step 1: Set the Scene

Imagine you are 1 year ahead from now. Imagine your environment, your mood and your situation.

Here are some questions prompt might help you get into the mood:

  • What you are doing?
  • Where you are?
  • How do you feel?
  • What is the smell of the room? etc.

Step 2: Decide the key areas of your life

Write down what are the important areas in your life this year

For example: Career, finance, relationship, learning or anything specific

Step 3: Set the goals

Imagine what would you like to achieve in each areas

For example:

  • What are are key career goals?
  • What are the new things I want to learn?
  • How much money I want to save / invest this year etc

Step 4: Imagine the challenges ahead

Imagine what challenges you will be facing and how you are going to concur it

For example: if you have a tendency to burnout and taking extra accountability, you might write down something like:

“You have some big goals this year and you are on track to achieve them, but one day when you wake up you suddenly felt depressed and don’t want to go to work any more… You knew you burnt out again, however, luckily you have set up a healthy routine and learn to better looking after yourself. You ate a healthy breakfast and went for a long walk outside. You immediately feel better and you also schedule in 1 weeks holiday a month later that really help you recover. ”

Step 5: Finish the Letter

Reflect on Step 2, 3&4, write the letter and end it with a happy ending :)

Some questions prompt ares:

  • what advices would you give to yourself 1 year ago when you just about to embark this journey?
  • How would you conquer the challenges you predict to happen?
  • What are your key strengths that you would like to leverage more?
  • What are your weakness you would like to improve on?

My Letter

I wrote this letter about 3 months ago and some of the challenges I predicted and the goals I set have already came true.

I read the letter quite often in the past 3 months, especially when I have some tough days(feeling lost or sad), I have definitely finding courage and comfort from the letter. And getting some good advices from my future self too :)

The contents of the letter contains a lot of private message to myself and I feel embarrassed to share the whole letter here…

But I can show the beginning of my letter to give you a sense what the letter could look like.

Dear Charlotte

This is me — Charlotte from 2022. I just came back from a nice long walk with grandma from 3 lanes 7 alleys. Now I am sitting on the dining table (you know the one you did all your homework at) writing this letter to you while waiting for the delicious dinner ready.


First of all, I want to congratulate you for making an important career choice to join xxx last year. This is one of the best decisions you have made! This was your dream job! And it still is one year later!

It wasn’t easy to start a new role during the pandemic, especially 1 year ago NSW was experiencing the longest lockdown since COVID started.

I remembered you did find it challenging at the beginning to build meaningful relationships remotely. But you nail it!……

Tips and Tricks

I do have a few other tips and tricks for people who also want to try this exercise:

  • Do it when you are relax and have a clear head
  • Take your time to write it and you don’t have to finish it in 1 goal
  • Read it often, especially when you in doubt or feeling lost
  • You can still adjust it during the year

Hope you all be kind to yourself and give yourself some great advices !

Enjoy Writing and let me know how you go :)

Photo by Kate Macate on Unsplash



Charlotte Bian

👩🏻‍💻 Product Manager and Small Biz Owner. Love Books, Cats and Coffee 📚😻☕️