Top 3 learnings from LTP conference 2021

Charlotte Bian
Published in
2 min readMay 26, 2021

My favourite product conference just finished — Leading the Product.

I am starting my annual ritual now- writing up my top 3 learnings from it.

My Top 3 learnings:

1. “Agile Transformation and Digital Transformation taught us HOW to build things better, but not WHY we are building it and if we SHOULD build it. While Product Led Transformation is…(the rest is in my 3 rd learning)”

This is from Kent Weathers, CPO Brainmates during the opening presentation.

2. “If Product innovation is a goal- you need processes. Product innovation and ideation are not the same thing”

This is from Janey Wong, VP Ecommerce Away

I agree with you, Janey! Innovation and ideation both rely on good process. They are more like science than arts.

3. “The first rule of becoming product led is — don’t call it ‘product led’.
Product led is more about invite everyone to pull in the same direction and trying to solve biggest customer’s problems ”

- This message comes from Hugh McLachlan, Head of Product ELMO, but Kent Weathers and other speakers also mentioned it throughout the conferences

Other Inspiration moments :

Zip’s guiding principles and key values and the “wall of pain” which really help build a deep empathy of customers across the organisation. — Larry Diamond, Co-Founder & CEO Zip
Celebrate teamwork, not individual acts of heroism Ken Sandy,InfluentialPM
“Repeat after me: Roadmap is not delivery plan” — Someone from the audiences put this sentence in the chat when Hugh talking about the Product Roadmap :)

Ok, There are so many other learnings and inspiring moments throughout the conferences and between the social chats. These are the top 3 I picked.

What are your favourite learnings from the conference?

Leave in comments below! Let’s share



Charlotte Bian

👩🏻‍💻 Product Manager and Small Biz Owner. Love Books, Cats and Coffee 📚😻☕️