Adding a custom app to the launcher (gnome 3) on Fedora 17

Edwin Maldonado
Hack And Play
Published in
1 min readDec 20, 2012

Hey everyone,

A friend asked me about this a few minutes ago, he downloaded Navicat (trial) and he wanted to add Navicat to his launcher.

After some minutes I found this solution:

Step 1:

create a file with a .desktop extension on this path:


For example:


Step 2:

Edit the file you just created and add the following lines:

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=custom launcher for test


Exec = ‘blah!’ # It is the path of your custom app.Name = ‘’ #Put whatever you want there, it’s up to you.

Now, this launcher icon will appear in the Activities/Applications list, go there look for it and drag it to your launcher bar.

You are all set! Enjoy it!.

Merry Xmas BTW! :)



Edwin Maldonado
Hack And Play

Computer science engineer, interested in software architecture, entrepreneurship, and espresso machines