How to clear Sidekiq retries queue?

Edwin Maldonado
Hack And Play
Published in
1 min readOct 7, 2014

Hey guys!

Today I bring a quick post/note/reminder (especially to myself) about how to clear the Sidekiq retries queue.

Sidekiq the background processing gem for ruby works extremely well in almost any condition, it is fast and reliable.

But sometimes, a worker can crash, and depending on your retries configuration it can be annoying.

If you are working on your development box and want to clear that retries queue you can follow these steps:

1. Go to your CLI and access the rails console

bundle exec rails c

2. Make sure to require Sidekiq

require ‘sidekiq/api’

3. Clear the queue

4. Optional You can check the size of the queue by using the size method:

You can always check the full Sidekiq documentation

You are all set, I hope it helps!



Edwin Maldonado
Hack And Play

Computer science engineer, interested in software architecture, entrepreneurship, and espresso machines