The Bitter Pill

hack darren
Published in
2 min readSep 5, 2015

A blank page is one of the most terrifying sights in the world.

Infinite possibilities

Plain and blank, the page holds infinite possibilities; a self portrait, song lyrics with musical notation, a programming schema, a business plan, a game for a child…

The possibilities are endless. And yet, with that first touch of pencil to paper, a whole multiverse of possibilities and probability density wave functions collapse into one thing. Not lyrics, not a game, nor a portrait, just an article about the loos in Google.

It’s done, and the page can never be blank or infinite again.

But then again, it was really only infinite in potentia; it was nothing more than a blank page, slowly turning yellow, gathering dust, fading into obscurity.

There is a theory that we procrastinate because we are unsure, uncertain, anxious about the outcome or afraid of failure. But if nothing is done, you still only have nothing.

The bitter pill, the most difficult thing, is to take the first step. Destroy all worlds, kill alternate versions of yourselves, and collapse multiverses into the single reality where you wrote something, anything on the blank page.

So. Hello, my name is Darren, or D. I’m writing a journal to keep track of my efforts at self improvement, and a book called Creativity-as-a-Service, to meld my Improv experiences with my aspirations of a Malcolm-Gladwell/TED Talks career.

Come along. Watch me hack myself.




hack darren

writing creativity improv teaching hacking self-improvement stoicism mindfulness critique eloquence faff: I am D, and views are my own.