Cohort Stories: Meet Alfredo

vol. 5, no. 9 — guest post by Alfredo Pozos Nicolau

The Hack.Diversity Movement


Alfredo Pozos Nicolau, computer science student & 2021 Fellow

Being born in Mexico has come with its ups and downs, but I couldn’t be more proud of it. Everyone has a story, and my family’s heritage and backgrounds have guided mine. Since I was little, I have always been shown how to be a hard worker, care for others, and be the best person I can be. Coming from Mexico, I witnessed my parents start with nothing and working so hard to provide for our family. My identity came from watching my parents struggle with language barriers, jobs, and not having anyone but themselves. Mexican culture is being proud of where you were born, not giving up, and working hard. Having such a rich culture made me learn and see things differently than how my peers did. I was shown love and mutual respect at such a young age that shifted so much of my decision making.

I am most proud of being a hard worker and always fighting for what I believe in. Not only is my identity created off of where I was born, but what I have been through to get to where I am now.

When I hear the word success, I don’t think of money, fame, or wealth; I think of solutions. Success for me has always meant doing something that had a positive impact on others. I have always had this perspective of the reason I was put on this earth was to make it better than how I found it. Whether it’s creating an application that helps make others’ jobs easier or a simple feature that eliminates that annoying little pet peeve, I have always found that to be the most rewarding.

When you are given a problem that doesn’t have a solution, and being able to create or solve that issue in an efficient way, has always made me feel successful.

I go into the technology industry, knowing that it’s what has the most potential in the world to be part of the key to a better society. There is enough stress, pain, and hate in the world, that I want to be part of the solution that advances us. Whether it’s being a software developer or a cybersecurity expert, success for me is having a positive impact on others.

Everyone has something to contribute, and Hack.Diversity is a fantastic platform for me to connect with others. Being able to expand my perspective on topics and ways of thinking will help and encourage me to be better. One of the best things about working with a diverse group is being able to open your mind to so many different ways of thinking, communicating, and, most importantly, problem-solving. I have had the great opportunity to meet some fantastic people from mentors, professors, and professionals. Hack.Diversity opens so many doors for networking opportunities varying from exceptional employers to fellow students that can unlock each other’s potential. I have learned that networking and experience have been the best ways to grow as a student. Hack.Diversity’s relationship with employers can help me get real-life experience through internships. Having the opportunity to go through the regular day to day life of what your actual future career could be is one of the many ways that would help me achieve my career goals.



The Hack.Diversity Movement

Hack.Diversity is on a mission to transform the economy by breaking down barriers for Black and Latine/x professionals in tech.