Cohort Stories: Meet Andrea

vol. 5, no. 11 — guest post by Andrea Mock

The Hack.Diversity Movement


Andrea Mock, data science student at Wellesley College & 2021 Fellow

I grew up in a multicultural household, learning German and Spanish at home, thanks to my Peruvian mother and German father. Through this experience I not only gained language skills, but also received insights into different cultures and ways of thinking, allowing me to become more understanding and open to new ideas. I was raised in California but moved to Germany after my freshman year in high school, finishing my schooling there. Having to adapt to a whole new setting was tough at first, but it allowed me to become highly adaptable to different environments and cultures. It also motivated me to seek out opportunities beyond my comfort zone and participate in experiences that would further my learning. After graduating high school, as a scholarship recipient for a summer university program in Qingdao, China, I began learning a new language and had direct contact with a completely different culture and country.

My interest in technology spiked not too long ago. Coming to college, I was afraid of taking any computer science courses, fearing that I would not be successful or enjoy it. However, I decided to enroll in an Intro to Computer Science course during my first semester at college despite my doubts. I was pleasantly surprised and really enjoyed it. The systematic approach to problem-solving drew me to the field of computer science and made me realize that it was something I wanted to pursue further. Nowadays, in many jobs across industries, the role of data and data-driven decision making has grown. Consequently, the demand for people with appropriate knowledge is growing.

At the same time, I see the technology sector as having the potential to make our lives easier. This motivates me to become a part of it and have a noticeable and positive impact on the world.

As a student interested in a career in the tech sector, I believe that Hack.Diversity will provide me with the necessary support network along the way. I am especially keen to participate in the monthly programming. I hope to get to know like-minded students and find a support network of students and mentors going through the same experiences as I am encountering. Having recently started my endeavors into technology, I am still very hesitant about finding opportunities and interviewing with tech companies. Thus, Hack.Diversity and its mentors can provide me with tips and tricks when finding these kinds of opportunities. And since I am very committed to helping make the tech sphere more diverse, I am inspired by the entire network Hack.Diversity’s offers.

I also feel that beyond the 8-month fellowship, Hack.Diversity can provide a community for the years to come and an opportunity for me to give back to other students who are part of underrepresented minorities by sharing experiences and offering a support network for them as well.



The Hack.Diversity Movement

Hack.Diversity is on a mission to transform the economy by breaking down barriers for Black and Latine/x professionals in tech.