Cohort Stories: Meet Eliane

vol. 4, no. 24 — guest post by Eliane Motchoffo

The Hack.Diversity Movement
2 min readFeb 5, 2020


Eliane Sandra Motchoffo Magne, computer science student at Bunker Hill Community College & 2020 Fellow

When I was younger, I never thought I could be in the computer science field. I only saw computer programmers on the TV and always wondered how someone could build code. My curiosity is what sparked my interest in computer science. Although it was all abstract, I always dreamt to one day enter the technology field. I personally experienced how technology affected my academic and social life, and I want to be part of an organization that is creating that impact.

I want to make an even greater impact by being the first female software developer in my family and be an inspiration to other females like me.

Being accepted to Hack.Diversity was a great achievement for me, as computer programming was a completely new challenge I took upon myself. I never thought I could get this far. My first semester as a computer science student was very tough, and I was able to get where I am now thanks to the help I got from tutors, learning independently online, and being supported by my family and close friends. Facing challenges is something I learned to deal with and now enjoy.

Through my journey as a computer science student and even in my professional life, I learned that you might never be able to go forward if you do not challenge yourself, and that challenges and struggles are part of the journey. How you choose to deal with them will shape you into a stronger person.

What excites me about the innovation industry is that it is unpredictable and not routine and therefore, there is room for challenges. I like to be in a challenging situation because each time I am challenged, I learn a new skill and better myself.

I am excited about Hack.Diversity because of the opportunities to grow and gain valuable skills. I have spent the past year learning the academic side of computer science as well as working on group projects which helped me develop my interpersonal skills. By being a Hack.Diversity fellow, I will be able to gain hands-on experience. This will be a wonderful opportunity for me to get closer to my career goal.



The Hack.Diversity Movement

Hack.Diversity is on a mission to transform the economy by breaking down barriers for Black and Latine/x professionals in tech.