Cohort Stories: Meet Francisco G.

vol. 5, no. 36 — guest post by Francisco Guardado

The Hack.Diversity Movement


Francisco Guardado, cybersecurity student at UMass Boston & 2021 Fellow

Being originally from El Salvador, I am proud to speak Spanish and English at the same time. As a matter of fact, I entered into computer science because I wanted to honor my country of origin, my parents, and myself.

Being able to represent my origins, and one day help others tenfold, is one of my objectives.

I am proud of having achieved so far: an associate degree in computer science, transferring to the field of cybersecurity, and being accepted into Hack.Diversity. I am proud and fortunate to pursue education. One of the reasons for that is because I have been by myself for almost a decade. Instead of choosing to work several jobs that don’t require education, I decided to step out of the hamster wheel and do something different.

What excites me the most about the innovation industry is the idea that we can always improve what we already have. Ways of communication have improved considerably in the last 10 years. However, companies around the world are still looking for ways to make the experience better for users. The prospect that students with no association to companies can code apps with new and improved features is inspiring. Not just apps with communication purposes excite me, but also the thought of creating something new that the world can use in mass one day creates great joy in me.

The idea of having a better future motivates me; and not just for me, but for others. Every time I touch a computer and start creating something that captures my attention, whether it’s a new music video for my channel or something I code to create a project, I feel great. I take it as a challenge that if the instructor made this project, I can make it too.

It feels even more incredible when I change or add something from the project or my composition, because that means I was able to grasp instructions and turn it into a skill, which is something I want to pass along.

I want to make others feel that same exact feeling; whether it’s someone I’ve just met that needs help on doing something they like, or helping a loved one such a family member. I would be happy knowing that I am returning the favor I am receiving right now with this opportunity to study and get a foot out the door.

My dream job is working at something I believe in. I do not just want to be a robot who just clocks in and out at a place where I don’t feel excited about what it produces. In a manner of speaking, I want to be the one who builds the robot. Leaving money necessities aside that come from a paycheck, I want to work at a place where I will gladly get up from bed every day. Throughout the years I have noticed that I love web development and I can make a great salesman. Every time I work on something that has to do with communication or that is e-commerce related, I am quite happy. The reason for that is because I love creating content on Youtube and have become quite good at doing e-commerce projects. I can talk about about this content in blogs while at the same time being a businessman. I like numbers, and after watching youtube videos of projects, I have become confident in Python, React, Java, SQL, Stripe, and digital marketing. Something related to that where I create, sell and learn is my dream job.



The Hack.Diversity Movement

Hack.Diversity is on a mission to transform the economy by breaking down barriers for Black and Latine/x professionals in tech.